Lets all have a beer

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Mar 10, 2000
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I like an occasional bottle of rolling rock hell sometimes an occasional twelve pack but If I heard the news correctly this afternoon the new strategy of the animal rights group is targeting college students to drink more beer and less milk. They claim that milk cows are abused and beer is better for ya then milk. Leads me to the question then why dont mothers have budweiser taps rather than nipples? please somebody tell me I was dreaming this afternoon.

remember enjoy those shoes
and sleep til noon

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Got Beer?

That's the new thing. MADD (Mother Against Drunk Driving) is furious with the animals rights folks. In my opinion, they have no reason to be. I am a big supporter of MADD, as I have lost several friends to alcohol related accidents.

I am in college now and have yet to see someone cracking open a jug of 2% at a party.

College kids drink beer...in many cases, other things as well. (duh)

So what's the big deal if there is a commercial to tell college kids to drink beer?


The next thing we will see is the American Lung Association telling us to breath while the Environmentalists get mad because it is such a strain on the trees.

Oh well...what is this world coming to?

Before you know it, we will be cloning a woolly mammoth...umm...er..didn't they...ummm???

PS: Rolling Rock is good...have you tried Yuengling? Philly area favorite!

Josh Hazelton
[email protected]
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
"D.O. Wannabe"

[This message has been edited by JPHazelton (edited 03-13-2000).]
Rolling Rock! Ah, the finest of all libations. I love beer. Beer is good. It makes me complete.
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I havent got to Yuengling yet, havent even seen it in missouri, but it is on my to do list. I tried Grolsch the other night, i loved the bottle.

From the glassed lined tanks of old latrobe
(best place in the world)

I gosta go
see ya on the flip side
I too feel that this is an irresponsible add. It is true that college kids do drink beer. Myself, I am an older student and remember the first years of my college career (just barley). Then I would have said "I'll drink to that!" but today I do not think we need to encourage the problems that are already apparent.

I will have to say that the add is effective. If the add would have said 'Drink Juice' instead would we be having dialouge about it now? NO!!!!

USF '04
Originally posted by richierich:
I am an older student and remember the first years of my college career (just barley).

RR: Barley! Ha. Now that's a Freudian slip if I ever saw one! (barley and hops, beer, git it
Maybe it is just me, but the animal rights people seem a bit backward. Truth is- alcohol kills- traffic accidents, violence (especially domestic), long term impact on liver, etc. I don't think any reasonably well educated person would disagree that consumption of alcohol is implicated in seemingly unnecessary deaths.

Here is the weird thing- alcohol kills people, but animal rights adovacates encourage drinking to save some cows. Am I to presume, then, that the lives of cows are more precious than those of humans?

Maybe this is an extreme example, but it seems to be a trend that people care more about animals than they do about other people. Don't get me wrong, I am an animal lover. But what does it say about us when we value animal life over human life? It seems anti-nature, impractical to our species, and is definitely not Biblical.

I guess they are the same people who will kill dozens of adult abortion clinicians to "save" a few unborn babies.

What is this world coming to?

I can't drink milk...it harms cows.
I can't write on paper...it kills trees.
I can't drive my car...it pollutes the environment.

Oh well....but I wonder.....

Do animal rights people eat bread?
Do tree huggers wipe their ***?
Do environmentalists smoke?

Josh Hazelton
[email protected]
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
"D.O. Wannabe"
Since when does milking a cow cause it harm? I don't really know anything about it, but it seems to be that providing milk gives cows a purpose in life..a goal if you will. Cows probably spend their days admiring the size of each others' utters. Think about the emotional consequences that could result from denying the cows of the world their one true joy..to give milk. Imagine if someone took the one thing you did well and said that it isn't allowed for your own good. I feel sorry for all the cows

On an entirely different note (because thinking about those poor cows makes me sad)how come nobody has mentioned the wonder and joy that is GUINESS!! (does that have 1 N or 2?)
I like Guiness, but it's like drinking a loaf of bread. Round these parts, we keep a bottle of Sam Adams or Red Sail in the fridge, just in case of an emergency - those emergencies seem to happen a lot lately.

As far as those cows being milked - it's the way that they're milked that's bad for them, and as a woman with analogous structures, I can't say I'd like having my "structures" pulled on all day long, either. That being said, I hate cows. I used to work on a cattle ranch. Don't let anyone fool you, cows are stupid creatures.

Liking cats much better, thank you

Of course you wouldn't like having your "structures" pulled all day long, you have bigger and better goals. What do the cows have? Everyone needs to feel useful and I still feel sorry for the cows!

Let's all buy the cows a Guiness!

[This message has been edited by UHS03 (edited 03-14-2000).]
Cows DO have a purpose..and here is a little story to tell you what that purpose is...

I once got a cow drunk...just before I tipped him over.
The cow looked at me and said "Hey, why did you tip me? I thought we were having a good party!"
Then I said to him, "Silly bovine, cows are for tipping!"
It was at that point I ran away.

I stand corrected! Did you give the cow Guiness??
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USHO3 I believe it's two N's. Who can remember after all those years of drinking. Yet, a fine beer indeed. Although I never could/can afford it. Because of that I have forever been subjected to another fine pilsner: Natural Light. $8 a case. Enough said, baby!
I went to med school so that I could make enough money to buy Guinness any time I want..isn't that why most people go??

(That's a joke in case anyone has a humor disorder)
Point taken. You are completely correct UHSO3. One day we shall all bathe in pools of Guinness. Unfortunately until that day graces myself, I'll get be with my Natty Light.
As one great american once said, "Give me Guinness or give me death!" UHS03- I agree on both counts of your earlier post. Cows need a reason to live- providing milk. A sense of purpose is well worth "udder" discomfort. And Guinness- nectar of the gods! As nutritious as it is delicious. A pork chop in every pint, as our friends across the pond would say. I say give me one pint of Guinness over a case of Natty light any day!
Shakespeare, the beer drinker's way:


To drink Guinness, or not to drink Guinness...that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the foam and bubbles of stale lager, or to take arms against a sea of barley, and by opposing, harvest them. To die, to drink, no more. And by drink to say we end the soberness and thousand headaches that flesh is heir to, tis a drunken state devoutly to be wished. To die, to drink...to drink, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub...for in this drunken state what dreams may come when we have passed out cold, must give us pause.

Merchant of Venice:

In sooth, I know not why I am so drunk.

[This message has been edited by JPHazelton (edited 03-15-2000).]
dlbruch, let me clarify something real quick. I am in total agreement w/ yourself and w/ UHSO3. Guinness truly is a nectar of the gods. And given the choice, I will always choose it over Natty Light. Unfortunately, my financial situation doesn't allow for this (does it for anyone?
) Instead of giving up the refreshing taste of an ice-cold pilsner, (now that would be foolish), I've just accepted, and even begun to enjoy the taste of the National League. It's a taste that I've acquired over the last 7-8 years. As for what treasures my fridge holds now; the two bitter evils. Milk, and Beer (Rolling Rock by the way).
PETA is a bunch of nuts anyway. They re-define leftwing activism. Yeah, I feel sorry for the dairy cows, spending their days eating and pooping...let them be free in the jungles or the ocean. Born FREEE they were BORN fREEEE. Free cows from the tyrrany of milkmaids!!! BORN FreEEEE
I agree, those PETA people are nuts! My boyfriend is in vet school and a couple weeks ago some PETA fanatics were standing outside the school harassing the vet students as they went to class. That doesn't seem logical, they're all trying to learn how to HELP the animals!

But beer is a good thing! Although if you could only have one type of food to eat/drink for the rest of your life milk would probably be the smarter choice.
Hmmmmm...if we could convince them that plants have feelings as well, they'd all starve to death! JUST KIDDING


'Old Man Dave'
KCOM, Class of '03

Nothing Risked, Nothing Gained!!
My favorties brews are New Castle Brown, Spaten & Guinness...on this side of the pond...Leinenkugel's makes an excellent domestic microbrew!


'Old Man Dave'
KCOM, Class of '03

Nothing Risked, Nothing Gained!!
bback in mmmy cccollege dddayy (iii started aaaa trend acccidentally)
at good old emu (when we were mighty hurons)
there was a case of bbbbeer called wiedemans for under $5 a case....one night when ddddrunk my roomate switched it with a bbbottle filled with urine....I GUESS WE ALL KNOW THE END TO THIS JOKE....

I DONT THINK THIS IS FUNNY AT ALL...COWS deserve just as much consideration as We DO...THEY SHOULD BE GIVEN BEER TOO!

but...who does peta think they are forcing cattle to carry beer in their udders instead of milk...thats pretty lowenstien!
it makes me so hopping MADD i can barley stand up!

"beware of greeks eating pitas"

give me another michelob.


Beer sucks!

It is the most vile of all drinks in the entire world!

Now, CIDER! That's a real man's drink!

[This message has been edited by Matt the Medic (edited 03-22-2000).]
Cider baby ! That's where it's at ! 6.5% alcohol, and only ?1.20 a pint at the student bar !! Now there's a classy way to spend an evening.
Cows? This isn't India you know!!
I must object most vehemently to Matt's unwarranted insult towards my frothy friend! I do, however, appreciate a good cider. We have access to some here in the states (like woodpecker-ummm!), but can't, to my dismay, get anything the likes of scrumpy jack!
Isn;t cider that stuff the kids drink on NEw YEars when everyone else gets the champagne? mmmmmmm..beer..it's whats for dinner, or is that beef? Oh well, they go good together.

Ps...cows don't like cider.
UHSO3 you were right it's beer. Beef is just that commonly confused side-dish.
That's pretty much what I thought
Woodpecker!?! Woodpecker!?!

You poor people. You have been deprived for so many years!! You have not lived until you have tried Blackthorn!!! Ummm, Blackthorn!!!

Also, as much as I love cows, cider would be wasted on them. They just don't have the stomach(s)!

And finally, beer and beef do go well together. I remember when my mum once made a meal in which the beef was stewed with Newcastle Brown Ale. It was the most gorgeous thing ever.

Good bye and good drinking!

[This message has been edited by Matt the Medic (edited 03-26-2000).]
Beer vs. Cider can be a bitter debate, but I've come across a most pleasant alternative. Drink 'em both! At the same time!

My personal favorite is Hefeweisen and any apple cider. By all means adjust your percentages for a taste that suits your palate. I prefer a 60/40 Hef split. If this medical gig doesn't pan out I think I might have a winning formula for the next generation of fine spirits.

"You're a daisy if you do."
I have seen a lot of peopple hyping guiness and don't get me wrong it is an incredible beer. however, i think that the Belgians do it best. Anyone out there tried Chimay ale? It comes in a large bottle, similar to a wine bottle and it is corked. Tasty. Of course when that isn't around I stick to either guiness or anchor liberty ale. My own philosophy is 'if you are going to drink you might as well drink the good stuff'. No offense to anyone, but I would rather not have a beer than drink a budweiser(or anything equally as vile).
I have seen a lot of peopple hyping guiness and don't get me wrong it is an incredible beer. however, i think that the Belgians do it best. Anyone out there tried Chimay ale? It comes in a large bottle, similar to a wine bottle and it is corked. Tasty. Of course when that isn't around I stick to either guiness or anchor liberty ale. My own philosophy is 'if you are going to drink you might as well drink the good stuff'. No offense to anyone, but I would rather not have a beer than drink a budweiser(or anything equally as vile).
Where are all the Canadians?
