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5+ Year Member
Mar 17, 2017
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Hey everyone,

I was accepted to KYCOM a few months ago. I also interviewed at LMU-DCOM and VCOM, and I was waitlisted at both. I was told by VCOM I'm in a good position on the waitlist. This morning I received a phone call telling me that I was accepted off the waitlist for LMU.

I already put the deposit down at KYCOM. Anyone have experience with either school? Thank you!

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Hey everyone,

I was accepted to KYCOM a few months ago. I also interviewed at LMU-DCOM and VCOM, and I was waitlisted at both. I was told by VCOM I'm in a good position on the waitlist. This morning I received a phone call telling me that I was accepted off the waitlist for LMU.

I already put the deposit down at KYCOM. Anyone have experience with either school? Thank you!

What were your stats, if I may ask?
Would like to know as well
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Go to the one without mandatory attendance.

Then go to the cheapest one.
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May I ask for your stats as well? I am applying this cycle.