Kaplan OAT classes-Worth It?

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Apr 20, 2004
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Why are these kaplan classes so expensive? I was just wondering if the material and classroom training for this class is worth $1100.00? I have been out of school for 4 years so I definitely need to touch base with my sciences again. If anyone can give me any suggestions, that would be great!! If it isn't worth it, what are other alternatives to studying for the OAT? I am scheduled to take it October 16th?

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I taken the course and it has helped me greatly. They have a systematic way of teaching, which greatly benefits undiscliplined people like me...If you can't afford the $1100, then their OAT Kaplan study materials are great...it's a more "economical" solution I would say
I think Kaplan is great esp. if you have been out of school for a few years. I think students have benefited from the practice exams that they give you.

If you don't want to pay the $ just get some prep books like Lippincot, kaplan, study hard and you should be fine.

Good luck :)
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It was 900 when I went to look for it.... but that was too rich for me. I studied independently with Kaplan books and Lippincott books. If you're disciplined you can do it on your own. ;)

I had been out three years :D
I was out of school almost two years and it had been 4 years since I took most of the prereq classes that are on the OAT when I took the test this past October. I was very intimidated going into the test. I managed to acquire the Kaplan OAT course materials from someone online and I found they helped tremendously. I used this and the scholarware OAT practice tests (they sell these online) and managed to do alright. It took awhile to relearn all the material but I think if you have self discipline there is no need to take a course. That is too much bling bling!
When I was studying for the OAT, I bought the Lipincott book as well as the TopScore OAT c.d. with 3 practise flnals on it. Both were good investments. Other than that, I used my textbooks from Chem, Org., Biol & Physics. All the information you need is in those textbooks. Use the Lipincott book as a guide and then read the specific details in the textbooks. This technique worked well for me, because I like to study on my own. Have fun with it! :D