Pharmacy Is this clinical experience?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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I work inpatient as a Pharmacy Technician which I am well aware in and of itself is not clinical due to lack of patient contact. However, since this past summer I work down in our anticoagulation clinic where I walk out to the waiting room, call the patient and walk them down to the exam room, then poke their finger and take their INR. I've personally found working in an inpatient pharmacy to be a great view into how a hospital functions and quite enjoy the longitudinal relationships that are formed with patients in clinic (it has also been a great introduction to Epic). I know that people typically think CVS when they say being a CPhT isn't clinical, so I just wanted to confirm my experience is.

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Absolutely. Frankly I* wish more pre-pharmacy applicants have an opportunity to work in hospital pharmacy before applying to pharmacy school.

*Also expressed by faculty.
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