Is obama not good for family medicine?

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The old Pravda commie rag doesn't exist anymore. That web site is "Pravda" in name only.

I suspect the article was penned by a right-wing American...somehow, I don't think that "sheeple" would translate from Russian. :rolleyes:

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Yes, all those people out there are non-compliant because there aren't enough PCP's. Naive indeed :rolleyes:

Increasing the number of PCPs will create easier access to health care but I don't see how this makes it more affordable.

And I certainly don't see how it will improve significantly. :rolleyes: Doctors can harp all they want, if the patients aren't going to walk the walk, it doesn't matter if we have enough PCPs so that we can send each patient home with their own live-in doctor.

I think you can't comprehend this and are resorting to the same name-calling techniques that worked for you in middle school.

Long-time lurker, infrequent poster here. I can see some valid points to both sides of the argument here, but sestamibi points out one linchpin in the whole deal: people. Unfortunately people will continue on a path of least resistance until they encounter a barrier; something that will direct their course in another direction. Granted there ARE people who are willing to change their behavior, but chances are they have encountered some event that has prompted a change toward wiser decisions. The way that insurance companies treat health care is merely a reflection of how Americans treat it: I'm sick, fix me. Why can an interventional cardiologist make a poop-ton o' money? Because some people don't care about their health until the sub-sternal pressure, sweating, and sick feeling being. Cardiologists may save lives in the cath lab, but aren't they really just undoing 35 years of bad health decision-making? No one wants to listen to what the literature says about the effectiveness of preventive measures. If American's treated health care as: Hey doc, keep me healthy, the scales would tilt toward primary care and you would need a 260+ Step I score, LOR's from Jesus, Ghandi, and Hippocrates, and the ability to raise the dead to get into a primary care field (I'm being sarcastic, haters don't hate).