Is going to dental school worth it? A working dentist weighs in...

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Why was this thread resurrected....

I remember this clown. Freaking left everything to become a monk...

Worst part is this DB defaulted on 200K+ of loans and lots of other personal obligations...

Yeah, I was going to say, wasn't phremius the guy who went to live in the mountains away from the debt collector? Not exactly the best opinion to listen to.

this true? i know the dude had an extensive lib arts background and kinda seemed jaded by the process of Dschool at NYU...but he seemed to have found a good gig in private practice and was making headway into his career.

he just chucked that all aside?

EDIT: nvm, just looked up his post history. will read later because i'm nosy.

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this reminds me of that scene with Tom Hanks in Cast Away when he was breaking off a molar (using an ice skate), remember when he said he needed a root-canal but always postponed going to the dentist

I don't know how much of the movie Cast Away you saw, but his endodontist ends up marrying his wife.
this true? i know the dude had an extensive lib arts background and kinda seemed jaded by the process of Dschool at NYU...but he seemed to have found a good gig in private practice and was making headway into his career.

he just chucked that all aside?

EDIT: nvm, just looked up his post history. will read later because i'm nosy.

Yeah, that's him. He ditched his responsibilities and lived in a yurt. :rolleyes:
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this true? i know the dude had an extensive lib arts background and kinda seemed jaded by the process of Dschool at NYU...but he seemed to have found a good gig in private practice and was making headway into his career.

he just chucked that all aside?

EDIT: nvm, just looked up his post history. will read later because i'm nosy.

I just read a few minutes ago. It was quite interesting :wow:..... Read it and see for yourself
this true? i know the dude had an extensive lib arts background and kinda seemed jaded by the process of Dschool at NYU...but he seemed to have found a good gig in private practice and was making headway into his career.

he just chucked that all aside?

EDIT: nvm, just looked up his post history. will read later because i'm nosy.

The rigors of a routine life are simply too much for some people to handle.
Hey phremius, has an IRS agent pulled a gun on you, yet?
I feel that there was a time when the profession was lucrative and every dentist did well, however that phenomenon is slowly disappearing due to saturation of dental professionals. The hardest hit areas are big cities, and i feel that with more schools opening, this saturation will only spread.

To answer your question, it is a time to weigh the benefits and costs of this degree. A few years ago, the profession of law was very prosperous, nowadays even Yale/Columbia graduates have less than 70% placement, however every year thousands still go to no-name law school.

It's your decision, no one is forcing you to do this.

Yale law job placement:

Columbia law job placement:

WVU law job placement:

Sigh. No facts.

May the odds be ever in your favor wantVCUdental. May they ever be in your favor...
He's never going to find peace with $200,000 hanging over is head, which will probably be 300,000 when he gets back. Well.. at least I couldnt!
What if you let the government pay for your school and come out of d school with very little debt? I see this as a perfect opportunity to eliminate the horrendous debt that will linger over you for many years to come. I feel that this will allow you to focus on how you will establish yourself in the workplace.
saw this post and would like to give my perspective being a 35 year old going back to school to try and get into dentistry. I have been in jobs ranging from cleaning bathrooms, mcdonalds to finally software engineering. All these jobs were matter of circumstance and after being married for 15 years with 2 kids; I can tell you this... I will never be the CTO of my company and if I did thats not going to happen for another 10 years and then only will I be making 6 figures. I live a lower middle class life while still failing to make all my bills each month. So it is a matter of perspective, because at the end of the day if all our situations were the same, well you get my point. To be honest I think you chose dentistry for the predicted financial rewards.