In need of some input? Pre-pharm chem grades

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Jan 24, 2019
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Mid-semester blues happening right about now. Worries for daysssssss.

My overall cumulative GPA is 1 3.65 and my science grades are...
Gen chem 1: B+
Gen chem 2: B+
Bio 1: A
Bio 2: A
Orgo 1: B-

Heart breaking I know :( I would get A's on several exams in all my chems but somehow get screwed near the end and with the final. Orgo professor didn't curve. Not fun.
Currently taking Orgo 2 hoping to turn things around.

I just want to get accepted into pharmacy school (Wayne state top choice). I haven't taken the pcat yet and still have a few more pre-reqs to go. Also working as a pharm tech.

Can anyone relate to these grades (and maybe still got accepted)?

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Your GPA could drop to 3.0 and you will still get in. You have nothing to worry about.

I’m guessing you are a freshman or sophomore? I’d recommend you look through the Pharmacy thread and shadow physicians
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I'd encourage you to search through the pre-pharmacy threads and review other students and their overall acceptance to pharmacy school programs based on their cGPA / sGPA's. I'm not sure what it is that worries you other than not obtaining a 4.0 GPA. I highly suggest that once you complete Organic 2 go straight into studying for the PCAT so that its fresh on your mind. I would also encourage you to take more science classes beyond the minimal prerequisites (ie Biochem, Cellular, Advanced Molecular, etc) so as to not only secure an admissions if you so desire, but allowing you to investigate and shadow other health professions such as PT / NP / AA / etc etc.

In the meantime, review SDN threads from the past 2-3 years concerning GPA threshold for pharmacy programs. It may not be as high of a threshold as what your expecting.
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Don't sweat it. I passed O-Chem with straight C's, got a 2.9 cumulative GPA during undergrad, and got into pharmacy school and am currently practicing. This is not meant to be a brag-post but there is a reason why a lot of people here say that pharmacy school is very easy to get into these days.
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You will definitely get in to pharmacy school even if you did bad on the PCAT.
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