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7+ Year Member
May 7, 2015
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I was scanning through SDN and could only find a question to my problem, but no answer. It goes as quoted below:

I am a 1st year IM resident who is very interested in CCM and ID. I have heard of several physicians getting board cert. in ID and CCM. I was wondering what type of work schedule do these docs have ( do they work 1 week in the closed ICU (shift work) and then do ID for 2+ weeks)? As well, I know of several fellowships that offer 1 year CCM fellowships after you complete another medicine fellowship, but is there a list of the programs that offer these 1 year fellowships? Thanks for your help.

The difference is I'm not a resident (yet), just a non-us citizen in my 4th year of a 6-year med graduation in a foreign country having mortal doubts and questionings and being obligated by my too-worried mind to spend most of my time trying to figure out what am I going to do.

Uff, glad I got that out of my chest. Sorry for bringing my personal problems here, but it IS all anonymous, right?

Well, back to ID/CCM, if you don't mind...
I really like the idea of clinical reasoning, of using epidemiology and solving some ass-f***** cases, those adamantium-hard cases (you know what i'm talking about, yes, that atypical presentation of paracoccidioidomicosis or the weird 84 y/o lady with a micobacterium marinum infection, that kind of stuff). And I also enjoy very much taking care of critically ill patients, I like physiology and pharmacology and dealing with electrolyte balance. I like a few procedures as well, like intubation, paracentesis and other stuff CC physicians are expected to do.
The thing is... I mostly like everything, and studying gives me much pleasure, being almost orgasmic to know things no one in a 15 mile radius would. I have been transitioning between EM/CCM, Gas/CCM and now ID/CCM, and at this very moment I find myself kneeling amid all these three pathways trying, needlessly, to grasp an idea of decision, which every day seems a little bit farther from becoming a real thing.

How is the work schedule an ID/CCM physician has? My plan would be to split my time between ICU and Consults. How would that work in academic centers and private practice? I also like teaching and I like the challenging environment of academia, always pushing you to study more and to keep updated.

Thank you for reading and for answering (for those who will).

Ps.: I absolutely don't mind about salary, don't tell me that ID is not a good opt because of ****ty salary, 150k/y is enough for me - I want a long standing career and I wish to work past my 6th decade.

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You can split your time between shifts in the ICU and being on call as an ID consultant. Depending upon the hospital you could attend in the ICU and also do ID consults at the same time, depending upon how busy your ICU is. It is a reasonable path if you really love what you do. But trust me, you're going to change your mind about what you want to do at least 100 times before you finally settle on one path.
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Thank you! You've been answering all my posts haha
Yes, I have already changed my mind dozens of times (ortho, gen. surgery, hand surgery, IM, GI...). Everything I got the chance of seeing I ended up liking, at least enough to practice it. Everything except rheumatology.
Would you know what programs offer CCM after ID? Is that common? I mean, should I know which programs would accept my application for CCM before I apply for ID? Or programs that offer CCM usually accept a ID?
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Most people who go this route do an ID fellowship, then a seperate fellowship for CCM. There are a couple of programs that offer something combined, I think. But it usually involves seperate applications for both specialty. But, again, you're very far off from this. You will change your mind over and over again as you gain experience. For now, focus on learning as much as you can and that way you'll do well at whatever you ultimately decide upon.
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Well, this is awkward. You got me (almost) speechless. But I do like reading and studying. Knowledge gives you power to influence events and, even though I know I'll die without knowing all, what ever piece of information I can gather brings me closer to knowing It all. And that's something that pleases me.

Ps.: my native language is not english, nor an anglo-saxon based one, so whatever mistake I make, please correct me via posts or private message - I'm a little bit rusty in english.
There is a recent viewpoint article in CID that talks about ID/CCM. You might find this interesting.


  • Clin Infect Dis.-2015-Kadri-cid-civ360.pdf
    145.4 KB · Views: 185
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