i have to be the lousiest interviewer ever

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Radiology, R1
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Jan 27, 2002
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TUCOM rejection.

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Sorry to hear that lmbebo. Did you have any practice interviews? Have you asked Dr. H for specific reasons you were rejected?
Yeah, I did. I did practice interviews with a variety of people and I did get feedback from Dr. haight.

He said with my application I needed a really strong interview and I came up really short which pretty much corresponds on how I felt leaving the interview. I felt prepared for every question I got and the way I answered everything. But I felt during the interview that none of the people interviewing me gave a damn about what I had to say. I saw them staring elsewhere or fidgeting with their pens. It felt they were interested in 1 person and a bit with everyone else. That they were just running through the motions with me.

One woman got nearly 3-4 questions for every question that was asked of me. Walking out, I walked out alone. No interview spoke with me as we walked back to the main room. Im not sure I could have said anything differently and made a difference in the outcome of the interview. They only became interested in what the other 2 of the 3 people said when they started speaking about local Cali stuff. I was the only non-cali person in the room. It was very hard to find any common ground to speak of. The closest I came was when they spoke of my bball hobby and Dr. Skates pointed out that Dr Gayer played IM bball. This resulted in Dr Gayer walking out saying he had to get to his class, which he pointed out before the interview started. I felt like walking out with him at that point.

The interview started out horrible and right now I feel like Ive been played with.

Ive never been one for small talk and I doubt I ever will be. He said I could stand to get an improved mcat score and some more clinical experience. Im not sure what else I could do to get more clicnical experience. Im not even sure I really want to go through all this crap again to get hurt again.

Now I have to wait for LECOM and SGU. Ive got Ross for the May, but thats another issue altogether.

This rejection just hurts because it was the last of the schools I went in really wanting to attend. I have mixed feelings about LECOM, but I would attend if I get an acceptance. I dont feel like I will though. If anything I'll just get an offer to go into there post bacc program which is a lousy consolation for an acceptance.

Sorry if this is really negative, but Im still pissed about this. It feels like this opportunity was stolen from me. I knew with PCOM that I was nervous and didn't answer the questions like I should have. I was disappointed but I understood it.

I too am very sorry to hear your bad news...

It is so easy for an outsider to say "it could be worse" or "well, at least you have something to fall back on" and I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, but I hope you know I am being sincere when I say...

It could be worse, and at least you have something to fall back on!

I mean, Dr. Haight got back to you with your result in three days... THREE DAYS!! I know people that are going into three months post-interview and have heard nothing.

On top of that, you have a seat somewhere... as of right now, I should be preparing for the next application cycle cuz the schools I want to go to want nothing to do with me!

The interview at Touro is tough to begin with... Tack on the fact that it is really late in the application cycle, you end up with a story that one would be surprised if there was a happy ending... I know I get upset everytime I read and reread my "congratulations, you are on the low waitlist" letter from Touro, and I wonder if the fact that I interviewed so late had anything to do with the decision made, but in the end, such questioning is mute.

All we can do now is dust ourselves off, and continue on, and continue to keep our eyes on the prize, and do the things that make us happy! I started mentoring a couple of days ago, and I hope that the warm feeling that I got leaving my mentee's house is similar to how I will feel if/when I ever get into med school...

I wish you were in the area on Monday or Wednesday, so we could drown away our sorrows for the evening... I will have one for you!

Brian Enriquez
[email protected]