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7+ Year Member
Apr 3, 2015
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Hey all,

I would really like to serve for a period with the Navy in military medicine at some point in my career. I was accepted for USUHS and HPSP but was then offered a full ride to Wayne State which seemed too good to pass up.

I am now debating between taking HSCP during medical school to collect that salary in addition to my full ride or remaining obligation free until residency or afterwards and taking FAP or direct accession.

Appreciate any thoughts. Thanks!

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You may not be able to get HSCP if you have already been accepted for HPSP. When I was applying I was told you could only apply for one or the other.

If you can still get HSCP that isn't a bad option. FAP would be very flexible for you though. It allows you a few more years to decide if you still want to be in the military and also doesn't really screw with your ability to match into your desired specialty.

The other thing is if you do HSCP and then residency in the military, with or without a GMO tour, you are close to 10 years +/- of active duty. It starts looking pretty good to stick around for the retirement at that point for a lot of people.
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I think with no tuition costs already, hold off and wait for residency.....then if you still want to be in you can always join.

but you do you
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A middle ground would be Guard or Reserve without taking any incentives. It would let you feel out the military, make a little money, and earn some time-in-service. Then after PGY-2 year (6 year Guard/Reserve obligation), you have options for how to proceed with a military career. You can get out completely, stay reserve component, or take FAP + HPLRP to go active duty.
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FAP. Take free medical school and run. The military will always be there later.
So the Navy is something I would like to pursue at some point in my career. I turned down HPSP and USUHS for the full ride at Wayne State because I felt it might offer me more flexibility later on once I find which field I enjoy the most. Talking to my navy recruiter, she said that FAP may be unavailable in some of the smaller residency programs like dermatology, radiology etc. and that HSCP may be the only way to do these specialties within the Navy as they fill these positions with their in house doctors from usuhs and hpsp/hscp vs fap/direct accession.
So the Navy is something I would like to pursue at some point in my career. I turned down HPSP and USUHS for the full ride at Wayne State because I felt it might offer me more flexibility later on once I find which field I enjoy the most. Talking to my navy recruiter, she said that FAP may be unavailable in some of the smaller residency programs like dermatology, radiology etc. and that HSCP may be the only way to do these specialties within the Navy as they fill these positions with their in house doctors from usuhs and hpsp/hscp vs fap/direct accession.
you're still a premed.....don't sign hpsp out of some expectation that you'll definitely be a particular specialty and you definitely won't be able to join during/after residency. Neither of those are solid bets
you're still a premed.....don't sign hpsp out of some expectation that you'll definitely be a particular specialty and you definitely won't be able to join during/after residency. Neither of those are solid bets
I just started my first year of med school ha. Yeah i definitely wouldn't take HPSP with a full ride. Just HSCP could be worth it for the added salary/years in service and route to navy medicine. I get what you're trying to say though. Who knows what field I'll end up liking in the end and making any sort of decision based on that what-if is probably short-sighted. Thanks man.
HSCP recipient here. Full disclosure: I love my job. The Navy has been great to me. But my path and thoughts aren't shared by all.

Full ride with HSCP is a great financial deal (especially if you have a family, prior service, planning to serve 20, etc.) But that being said don't sign on the dotted line if you're not ok with doing 3 years (you're a current 1st year) as a GMO between internship and residency.
If you're ok with that as an option, you'll be happy with the end result.
Expectation management is the key.
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You also don't have to join FAP either. You can do whatever specialty you want as a civilian. If you want FAP and it is available then great. If you don't want it or it isn't available then no bid deal, finish your training and join as a fully qualified doctor if you still want.
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