how was the part one (dec 1 st)

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Sep 16, 2003
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hi everybody how was ur part one exam, i found anatomy and dental anatomy good, but micro/path and micro/physio were not as the other ones....i wish even they were good...worried about the scores now, hope it goes well.
plz tell about what u felt about the exam.
with love

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Yes , I found Bio/ Physio, the most difficult part. Now , we 've to wait........good luck to everyone !!!!!!!!!
i did not expect this!usually micro path is the easiest,what happened this time?it was bizzare!anat and dental anat were good,biochem was ok,but micro path was terrible....................scared now bout the scores,just took up the exam to improve my scores ,i hope it was not a wrong move!
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Finally it is over, and frankly, Dental Anatomy is the worst of all for me, maybe I didnt study it at all. I had short time for me to prepare since I work 6hr/6days a week.I thought my basic knowlege will be fine plus the Dental Decks. But anyway I am already making my self mentally and emotionally to retake it next
time in march or as soon as I get the result and the taking the part I by computer is ready.

I had read the archive regarding which to do first in the
second part of the exame and most of them did advice in doing the Dental anatomy first then the Path/ the best advice that i had ever read in this forum..But even so, I developed a sever headache from reading all thoes words in Dent.Ana. And I had to stop, I was so afraid I might not have enough strength to sqeuz out the necceary informatin to answer Path/Micro, so I did it then I went back in doing that horrible part..

Miro/Path, was the easiest part of all, most of the question came from previous test paper..85% of it the rest was think and guess..
Biochem/Path..seems to be in another era by it Always..

So, who is, like me , Planing in retaking Dent.Anatomy

I hope the curve be in our side..let us all pray for that:clap: .
Another thing to remember is to have candies, chocolates, cookies etc with you while writing exams. Your brain could do with some *instant glucose* to be sharp in the long run.
Oh Darn it..
I forget completly about the glucose stuff , I even forget my watch.
I always freak out before exam, always have a panic attacke before it too, something I live with it all my life..sometimes I wonder is it worth getting education :(

Thanks for the advice Dr_Hannibal.. I will make use of it in Part II
I hope that all of us get good scores and get into schools
All the best everyone.

:p :p
hello guys,
its really confusing,you finish the exam you feel fine,but when you get home you remember couple of questions you missed,,,,so devastating,by the way do you know how the final score is calculated? i mean how much you nees for example to pass?