How to become hearing aid dispenser?

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Feb 5, 2016
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Due to economy circumstances, I am unable to find a job in my Mechanical CAD Designer field. I am 55, technology savvy with electronics tecnician background and would like to learn to become a hearing aid dispenser. Is there an accredited school program in NJ, AZ, or CA?

Anyone can steer me into the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


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Well you might not find many happy or helping folks in this forum for hearing aid dealer questions. This is an audiology forum and to be an audiologist requires an undergraduate degree and a doctoral level degree (AuD) to practice.

A hearing aid dealer/dispenser requires only a GED, some references, and to be free of disease in most states.

It would be kind of like going into a pharmacy school forum and asking how to become a pharmacy tech.

If you really want to know how to become a hearing aid dispenser then you need to look up hearing aid dispensing licensure requirements in your state. Most states have a board that issues licensure for hearing aid dealers/dispensers and it will list what is required. In most states you must study or shadow a licensed dispenser for a certain period of time, then take a test showing you can do a basic pure tone hearing screening, ear mold impressions, otoscopy, etc.. It would be like letting someone be an RN simply by them proving they can hang an IV or give an IM injection, but hey who am I to change the laws?

Check with your state dispensing boards for the requirements for your states. They will list them as well as the application materials, fees, and when/where to take the exam.

I will tell you just because you are good with electronics does not mean you'll make a good dispenser/dealer. A lot of counseling is involved with fitting/dispensing amplification.

Good luck to you.