How Should I Apply for Prelim-IM Spots?

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Hash Slinging Slasher

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7+ Year Member
May 23, 2015
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Hey all, so I'm going to applying broadly in PMR (40-60 programs) because of couple's match and that includes a fair number of advanced/categorical and advanced-only programs. Prelim-IM interviews come easier than PMR interviews, so preferably I don't want to go a bunch of prelim interviews in cities/programs I don't get advanced PMR interviews at. I imagine that's what would happen if I applied to prelim-IM spots in the same school/city as every advanced PMR program I apply to on Sept 15th right?

So what would be the best way to apply to prelim-IM spots for advanced PMR?

One adviser said that after applying to a small handful of prelim spots on Sept 15th (~5 total), whenever I receive an advanced PMR interview invite, I could try immediately applying to a prelim spot through ERAS at the same institution or city ASAP and try to coordinate the two interviews. Is that a viable way to go? How should I proceed?

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I found applying to prelims much more difficult than PM&R, and quite a bit more competitive. Keep in mind your competition is made up of students applying to other advanced specialties.

I applied to any pre-lim that came with the PM&R spot (there was a handful that linked and guaranteed you a prelim year, so it was effectively and advanced program but technically not). A few programs also guaranteed you a prelim interview, or waived the interview requirement if you interviewed for an advanced program, so I took up any of those offers.

Otherwise, I applied to every prelim where I went to medical school-that way we wouldn’t have to move and my wife could keep her job and hopefully just change jobs with the one move.
I found applying to prelims much more difficult than PM&R, and quite a bit more competitive. Keep in mind your competition is made up of students applying to other advanced specialties.

I applied to any pre-lim that came with the PM&R spot (there was a handful that linked and guaranteed you a prelim year, so it was effectively and advanced program but technically not). A few programs also guaranteed you a prelim interview, or waived the interview requirement if you interviewed for an advanced program, so I took up any of those offers.

Thank you, that helps SO much!