How pharmacists are treated at Wal-mart

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This is a form of having too many pharmacists available. If you can't handle it, there will always be someone else willing to step up to the abuse, stress, reduced help and increased workload. An ambitious new hire with >$200k in debt will gladly take the work as he/she has no other means of making those monthly payments. As deplorable as the conditions may be, it is the surplus of desperate pharmacists enabling and contributing to this toxic culture (of course there are other factors).

Excellent post. If OP thinks it's bad at WM with MANDATORY lunch breaks try working for the RED DEVIL. They will increase the stress till you want to

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As a former employee of Costco, they would never do that. Costco takes pride into the culture they have built. They also make a crapload of money and pharmacy isnt even a top 10 moneymaker for them. They make more on OTC sales yearly then pharmacy sales. Unlike CVS/Walgreens the pharmacy isnt the primary moneymaker so pharmacist and techs have nowhere near the pressure to produce. They do half the amount of scripts of your busy CVS and have 3-4 times the help. Wait times? They can tell you an hour for #30 Lisinopril if they want why? Because what do you do when you wait an hour in costco? You shop. The pharmacy department is an extension of their in-store marketing. People just dont notice it. Its a genius model really. Nobody leaves those cush Rph positions. Getting a job there is near impossible.

Agreed. COSTCO is the the best position you can get in retail currently. Although working as a staff pharmacist will be even less stressful the paycut is bigger.
Did that net operating profit include 40? Based on nominal P&L figures the pharmacy alone acts as a loss leader in many locations even if you disregard wages from the OTC personnel
Anyone thinking that pharmacy is a loss leader hasn't seen the actual cost for drugs. If an independent can make a profit on 100rx/day then walmart can clearly make more. It might not have the markup of the chinese crap they sell but they still make $10/hr on each rx.
Can an independent make a profit on 100 Rx that encompass mainly the likes of APAP liquid, ibuprofen, Ventolin, loratadine, Norco?

I use nominal as a hedge since I've never seen good Medicaid reimbursement except on one prescription