How important is Spanish proficiency?

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Until the invasion of Mexicans into the US no one said that everyone born here shouldn't automatically be a citizen. .

This is not really exactly true. The question of who exactly counts as American is as old as America itself, reaching back at least to the controversy over whether or not slaves should be included in determining states' populations in determining representation. It was eventually decided that slaves, even those born in the United States, should count as the equivalent of 60% of a free American. Later on, nativist groups throughout our history questioned the motives as well as the desire, ability and willingness of immigrants and immigrant families to ever Americanize and integrate. This has repeated itself with (among others) immigrants of German, Irish, Polish, Italian, Greek, Jewish, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Arab, Persian and Mexican descent.

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Later on, nativist groups throughout our history questioned the motives as well as the desire, ability and willingness of immigrants and immigrant families to ever Americanize and integrate. This has repeated itself with (among others) immigrants of German, Irish, Polish, Italian, Greek, Jewish, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Arab, Persian and Mexican descent.

That's irrelevant. What distinguishes the current situation from previous waves of immigration is the expectation that we should accomodate the newcomers by learning their language. That's very new. Ever hear of nineteenth century Americans being expected to learn, German, Polish or Chinese to cater for the needs of the newly arrived? No, that bizzarro situation has never existed until now.
That's irrelevant. What distinguishes the current situation from previous waves of immigration is the expectation that we should accomodate the newcomers by learning their language. That's very new. Ever hear of nineteenth century Americans being expected to learn, German, Polish or Chinese to cater for the needs of the newly arrived? No, that bizzarro situation has never existed until now.

They not only expect us to accommodate their foreign language, they expect free education, free heathcare, welfare paments, food stamps, etc. etc. Immigrants of the past and criminal immigrants today both lowered the wages of citizens, but immigrants of the past didn't expect us to pay them for the privilege of lowering our standard of living.
I speak pretty good Spanish at this stage. I'm beginning to notice as my Spanish gets stronger that a lot of the hispanic patients in the hospital who don't speak any English at all, don't speak very good Spanish either. Their grammar is atrocious and their vocabulary is limited. I used to assume this was a dialect thing but as my command of the language increases I find that usually it's not. Often they're not even able to have a clear discussion with a family member, due to their poor linguistic skills, without resorting to shouting and hacking away at the same point repeatedly. Seriously, we often give these people too much credit by saying that they only speak Spanish. In many cases these people are fluent in no language at all.

Not to mention the iliteracy rate among these people - something that unfortunately doesn't make language aquisition any more likely.

These days I'm more than happy to translate for Spanish speakers. It's good practice for me. But I ask everyone I translate for how long they've been here and what they're doing to learn English. Anyone whose been here for more than a year without having made any inroad into learing English, gets a tongue lashing on the subject (in Spanish) from me.
I speak pretty good Spanish at this stage. I'm beginning to notice as my Spanish gets stronger that a lot of the hispanic patients in the hospital who don't speak any English at all, don't speak very good Spanish either. Their grammar is atrocious and their vocabulary is limited. I used to assume this was a dialect thing but as my command of the language increases I find that usually it's not. Often they're not even able to have a clear discussion with a family member, due to their poor linguistic skills, without resorting to shouting and hacking away at the same point repeatedly. Seriously, we often give these people too much credit by saying that they only speak Spanish. In many cases these people are fluent in no language at all.

Not to mention the iliteracy rate among these people - something that unfortunately doesn't make language aquisition any more likely.

These days I'm more than happy to translate for Spanish speakers. It's good practice for me. But I ask everyone I translate for how long they've been here and what they're doing to learn English. Anyone whose been here for more than a year without having made any inroad into learing English, gets a tongue lashing on the subject (in Spanish) from me.

Keep it up!!!
Mexican and hispanic are not the same thing. I can take care of both just fine, and I'd treat them as well as my Mother. I'd take care of criminals in the prison hospital too. The difference is that we just SHOULDN'T be treating nonemergent problems in illegals. We should stabilize them for their trip home.

I can see your point with the Minuteman comment since I'm so opposed to the Mexican invasion, but the KKK crap is unfounded. The fact that Mexicans are more brown than I am is beside the point and your attempt to make it relevant avoids the issue. We shouldn't have illegal immigrants from Mexico, China, Ireland, or anywhere else. The difference is that there are about 40,000 illegal immigrants from Ireland in the US but more than 12,000,000 illegal immigrants from Mexico. That's why I'm complaining about Mexican and not Irish. That and that those from Ireland can actually speak English.

I can understand your frustration with the current illegal immigration situation, it’s beyond ridiculous. Moreover, any country has the right to protect its borders. But the fact that you have an Avatar of a burning Mexican flag speaks of your true colors. A bigot like you should not be allowed to touch a single patient. I doubt you will ever provide impartial medical care to a sick illegal immigrant. :thumbdown:
I can understand your frustration with the current illegal immigration situation, it’s beyond ridiculous. Moreover, any country has the right to protect its borders. But the fact that you have an Avatar of a burning Mexican flag speaks of your true colors. A bigot like you should not be allowed to touch a single patient. I doubt you will ever provide impartial medical care to a sick illegal immigrant. :thumbdown:

I don't know why you attack me since it has nothing to do with the discussion. If there were 12,000,000 Irish illegal immigrants in the US stealing social services and requiring me to call Irish Gaelic translators to help deliver the care they should be getting in their own country I'd have their flag burning in my Avatar. I'd take good care of them though. Ditto for China, Nigeria, Kuwait, etc.