How do you control your stress?

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Jul 9, 2014
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I'm sure we are all stressed out balls of stress these days with finals. How do you manage?

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I finished undergrad and prerequisites a while ago, but when I had finals (or any stress-inducing situation), I found working out to be an amazing way to balance things out. Endorphins, dopamine, good health, better sleep.

That being said, I really like the response by @SpicyHotSauce
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Personally for me, I take a nice long walk out in the middle of the night and go to mcdonalds, get myself a nice cup of coffee, and sit in the parking lot drinking it and admiring the night. Especially if it is a snowy night. Even better if your roommate or friend tags along.

In these moments, I forget all my worries for a while and come back home de-stressed and filled with motivation to finish my tasks.

Ah, this takes me back. I used to live next door to a 24-hour McDonald's. I loved my 1 am fries. :)
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Engage in self-care via:
mindfulness techniques
getting enough sleep
staying busy

Y'know, now that you mention it, I think my problem is that I am actually too busy. I have no time to 'breathe' sometimes. I have movie/TV time with my SO. He's busy too, so that's only a couple hours on the weekend. That's my only free time all week with school, work, and premed activities.

I am going to try making some time for myself and see if that helps.
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I had to take a lunch pail approach to med school. Put my 8 hrs in, an hour for lunch, then done. You aren't learning much at that point. We also had some mandatory lectures which cut into studying. Exercise really helped me. A run or sit ups and push ups helped clear the head.
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Here’s what I tell myself: each day you have a choice. You can wake up and choose to check your email every 30 seconds, obsess over how you answered that one interview question, and let the negativity of the application process overwhelm you. Alternatively, you can decide that in spite of the uncertainty, the self-doubt, and the endless waiting, you will find ways to enjoy your day to day life and not let the uncertain future rob you of living in the present. So go ahead and go on that camping trip, visit that friend, or have dinner with your family. Life doesn’t stop just because you’re applying to medical school.
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Big thing for me is to make a mental shift first and practice self-grace. Be kind, know that you can’t be perfect and all that is needed is to put your best foot forward! Engage in hobbies, hang out with friends, eat good food :) Sending anyone who needs it good vibes.
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