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Jun 20, 2006
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I want to take the OAT in September, but I'm working a fulltime optometrist assistant job & probably study for 2 hours a day. Is this realistic? & HOW do you study for the OAT?? do you do problems? do you memorize? I'm currently doing all the problems in the Kaplan review book & looking at their big OAT bible, but I don't know how I'm going to be able to grasp everything. Is it all practice? someone PLEASE help!!!

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I'm getting close to my test date...but here's what I've done so far:

I took the Kaplan class from April to May, started getting into the studying (following the syllabus in the Lesson Book for reading assignments in the fat book) about mid-May...took 2 weeks off to study for finals in June, went home mid-June, and have been studying for about 8 hours a day (it sucks, yeah) since then. I've been doing all the practice exams (the subject tests), reading my lesson book again, reading through the flashcards, and doing full-length exams (Kaplan has 5 and TopScore has 3, I don't have time left to do any others =P).

You'll have to memorize a lot...but you've probably learned this all before in your classes, and in MUCH more detail. You won't have to remember all the detail for the one example I can think of is that CapZ is a actin capping protein that binds to the plus end of actin. You don't need to know that at ALL for the OAT haha...but it DID help me remember that in the muscle sarcomere, the Z line is where the actin (thin) filament attaches...and that's why it's called a CapZ. You WILL have to know the H zone, A band, I band, Z line, M line, and myosin/actin, and which bands shorten during a contraction, but that's about it for the sarcomere I think...none of the capping protein stuff from cell bio. =)

That's a really specific example but I think it goes for everything else too.

For me, I really have to focus on physics and gen chem, so I make sure I do those subjects EVERY day so I don't forget stuff. I don't do bio, ochem, math, and reading everyday though, just when it comes up on the schedule I made. You should make a study schedule and follow it. =) I think it'll help you pace yourself before the big prevents you realizing the day before the exam that you have NO idea how to do rate laws, and drama like that.

You should definitely take 2 weeks off of your job (or work part-time, that's what I'm doing right now...4 hours a day, 3 days a week) to do a complete review (some people call it cramming but it's really not because you should've finished reading/learning everything're just going over it quickly again). And do as many practice tests as you can because you need to build stamina and speed...but don't try to do practice tests before you've read stuff because then you'll just get discouraged at not knowing anything. =) It's ok if you forget long as you recognize that you have seen it before, it'll be easier to remember it again when you read the explanations. And definitely read the explanations...if you have time you should read the ones you got right too because it'll help you solidify your understanding. =)

Memorize physics formulas!! And know how to use them...=(
thanks!! do you kno where i can find practice tests? OAT stuff is so limited =/ im going to get that new book thats gonna come out that covers the new OAT but I'm not sure what else there is for me
Did you get the $30 Kaplan book that's on Amazon? I got has some of the same practice problems as the ones I got when I took the Kaplan course.

Try Examkracker's too! I wish I had more time...I would totally buy the physics book and read it. My MCAT friends told me it's really helpful.

The new OAT isn't that different, the only thing that's different content-wise is the math section...and I'm sure you're not having problems with that section. In fact, they took OUT one of the topics in it, but the rest is the same! But I'm kinda wary about it...they couldn't be lengthening the time, shortening the # of questions, and taking out topics for US, could they? Are they really that nice? I wonder if the new OAT will be "harder", or if it'll have a harder curve or whatnot. But I wouldn't worry about it too much, it can't possibly get that much harder, right?