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5+ Year Member
Nov 2, 2017
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Hi All,
I've been browsing around SDN for awhile now, and as I approach the end of my 4th year of undergraduate I have become unsure of whether I am cut out for Medical School. Long story short, I realized I wanted to go into medical school to become a psychiatrist or neurologist during my 3rd year of college. Here are my stats.

Bio-Psychology Major, Japanese Minor
GPA: 3.35
-A's for Biochem and Physics
-B'S for Bio and Math
-C's for chem. Failed ochem twice
Researched for 3 years, paid researcher for 1, published once and received a grant from my university
Shadowed around 150 hours with 200 hours of internship experience
President of two clubs, founder of one and have volunteered around 300 hours total

What should I do?
Should I do a post-bacc or Masters in Neuroscience before applying to Med School?
or should I just give up on this medical school dream and get a PhD or PhyD in psychology...
If i were to do a post-bacc I'm thinking of continuing research as a part time or full time junior specialist in a neuroscience lab.

Thank you all!

Edit: *I have recently been told I need to go to a psychologist myself because I might have an diagnosed case of Anxiety Disorder, which, if true, could be effecting my performance.

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Last edited:
Hi All,
I've been browsing around SDN for awhile now, and as I approach the end of my 4th year of undergraduate I have become unsure of whether I am cut out for Medical School. Long story short, I realized I wanted to go into medical school to become a psychiatrist or neurologist during my 3rd year of college. Here are my stats.

Bio-Psychology Major, Japanese Minor
GPA: 3.35
-A's for Biochem and Physics
-B'S for Bio and Math
-C's for chem. Failed ochem twice
Researched for 3 years, paid researcher for 1, published once and received a grant from my university
Shadowed around 150 hours with 200 hours of internship experience
President of two clubs, founder of one and have volunteered around 300 hours total

What should I do?
Should I do a post-bacc or Masters in Neuroscience before applying to Med School?
or should I just give up on this medical school dream and get a PhD or PhyD in psychology...
If i were to do a post-bacc I'm thinking of continuing research as a part time or full time junior specialist in a neuroscience lab.

Thank you all!

Edit: *I have recently been told I need to go to a psychologist myself because I might have an diagnosed case of Anxiety Disorder, which, if true, could be effecting my performance.
Read this, and also get your mental health issues under control. Med school is a furnace.