Help Needed Urgently ! Plz

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May 5, 2005
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i have applied for medicine 2005, and i am kinda confused, whether to go to Trinity College Dublin or St.andrews university in Scotland. i Dunno how to choose?
Can anyone help me over here Plz
PS:Opinions Accepted :D

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lol, am an international student
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If you are close enough, you should visit both places and talk to students there, and just visit the campuses/observe life at the colleges, try to get a feel of the atmosphere. Maybe even visit the medicine/health science offices of both places and ask some questions. If this isn't feasible, think about whether you'd want to study under a UK system or Irish system - there isn't too much difference between them, but it seems the Irish system is undergoing a general change at the moment, while UK is still somewhat traditional. Also, think about where you want to practice upon graduating. Again, not too much of a problem going between Ireland and the UK, but if you'd like to stay in the UK, then it might be better to study there. This is a question we can't really answer for you, as it'll be based on your personal preferences.
Well i went to st.andrews, the city and the medical school. Its very peacful, small, not alot to do basically. However i have a friend in Dublin who really like the place and gives it alot of credit! i have talked to the medical school in st.andrews, they said they are undergoing alot of changes. Along with that, as u know, the clincal years are done in Manchester, Which has really strong teaching hospitals. However, i read the Trinity course, and i really like the structure. So i am confused whether to prefer the course structure and the city, Or the really good Clinicals and the UK system.
I dunno if that made sense :p
It makes sense... you have to be happy with your location first and foremost. I don't think you could be a good student if you aren't enjoying your surroundings. Perhaps you should start two different threads, one targeted at those UK students who are familiar with St. Andrews, and one targeted at Trinity students - ask specific questions and see what the students' opinions are. But you'll have to be's exams time.
Hehe,,, yea but i have to respond to St.andrews by the 5th of june... so i am time tighted :p
ah well sure, that's loads of time. I'd suggest actually coming over to Dublin/Trinity for a visit, you can't just take the word of a friend, see it for yourself. And once you've done your research, make a pros and cons list for each school. Start the threads, can't hurt, might be helpful.
Totally agree with leorl, u should c what is inside. But may be u’ll try to c what is outside? For example try to find through ICQ, or MSN, or Yahoo messenger some graduators.

In the same way staying at home u can chat with some students.

Wish u good luck, that’s quite an important choice. Any where both of this points are great and u will not loose anyway.
Thanks alot, yea well i talked to students from trinity, they really like the course overthere and they love the city and all, but i guess am gonna start a thread.