help me select 2 or 3 far reaches worth applying to

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I have a 518 MCAT, 3.7/3.5s GPA. 3.4c freshman year but great GPA improvement each year since. Michigan resident.

ECs: Hockey team member - takes up a ton of time, good letter from a coach, successful player (3000 hours)

Research: done research for credit for three semesters and a summer at my institution, as well as next two summers. good letter from this mentor. published in a journal, have presented posters at large meetings, including EB in san diego (750 hours). doing research at prestigious research institution this upcoming summer.

Healthcare experience: about 60 hours shadowing 6 MDs, a letter from one. 100 hrs local hospital volunteering. 60 hours local hospice volunteering (continuing to volunteer here)

other volunteering: Boys and girls club 30 hours with more in future, executive board of campus chapter of habitat for humanity for three years (200 hours) and president of club next year, camp counselor for one weekend a summer at a campus for developmentally disabled adults

employment: on and off during the school years while playing hockey

clubs: mortar board member, AED (our pre health society) member which includes mentoring and volunteering, executive board of a leadership society next year, biology honor society

I am starting to whittle down my list of schools but want to apply to two or three far reach schools, but not too many.

I intend to apply to all my in-state schools, as well as Tufts, Colorado, Wake Forest, Quinnipiac, USF, Emory, and similar-caliber schools all over the place.

However, I think it’s worth it to apply to a handful of reach schools but want to select those very carefully and am looking for any advice.

Any suggestions for top schools that would be worth my application fee? i really appreciate any feedback.

@Goro @Faha

Thank you ahead of time!

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Apply to all your Michigan schools: Wayne State, Michigan State, Central Michigan, U Michigan, Oakland Beaumont, Western Michigan. Then you can add any reaches that appeal to you.