HCA-UH Kingwood Internal Medicine accreditation warning

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Apr 4, 2018
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Recently, I noticed a change in accreditation status for the IM program at the HCA-University of Houston affiliated Kingwood location. It went from initial accreditation to initial accreditation with a warning. I am applying through ERAS this cycle and was bummed to see this change. I know the warning could signify a big problem or a simple change that can be made within the allotted time period.

Does anyone have any clue what caused the warning at this program or how we could find out? Should I still consider applying?

Also, anyone who has any feedback in general about the program would be helpful. I know the HCA stereotype in terms of teaching depends on the attending's desire to invest in creating great physicians but the affiliated tier of UH should help with that some?

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I would not touch “initial accreditation with a warning” with a ten foot pole.
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That affiliation is more for patients to know, not that it say anything about the quality of the residency program…the HCA part is more significant… and you should run away…
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Why worry about applying to this program when there are so many other, better IM options around?
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As a resident at Kingwood, just wanted to provide an update that we just received continued accreditation status without warnings.
Amazing to hear! HCA Kingwood is one of the top programs on my list 😁
Sounds like an IMG mill
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