Has anyone not heard back from RCSI?

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Jul 4, 2009
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Hi Omar

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if you havnt heard back that means you are either
(2)are still considered for the second wave of interviews
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interview invites are through email, dont know about rejection
hey do mind sharing some of the questions or the type of questions they asked during the interview?
When you says you haven't heard back because "you are still considered for the second wave of interviews" does that mean we would be their second choice or did they just divide the interview into two equal rounds?
There were some rumors going around that RCSI interviews for a second time, later in the year. But I am not sure if this is true.
Later acceptances may be admitted without a face to face interview.

Those that those recently interviewed have the best chances for acceptance at RCSI however some applicants who have not yet interviewed may still have a pulse.

Regardless of whether you are accepted please do not abandon your dream. Perseverance in your goal to be a physician will be rewarded.
There were some rumors going around that RCSI interviews for a second time, later in the year. But I am not sure if this is true.

Wasn't a rumour. I received an email from ABP about it after I inquired. Who knows though. You'd think they would have sent out the invites already.
I have not heard anything either. I am quite surprised, considering I wrote the MCAT and scored high. I guess RCSI doesn't like humanities students :(
I have not heard anything either. I am quite surprised, considering I wrote the MCAT and scored high. I guess RCSI doesn't like humanities students :(

I was thinking the same thing (humanities degree here). BTW, what do you consider high on the MCAT?
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Not true. There are lots of people with humanities degrees at RCSI. In my honest opinion, they're some of the smartest people in the class

I was thinking the same thing (humanities degree here). BTW, what do you consider high on the MCAT?
I have a theory:

The first round of interviews are for students on the low end of GPA/MCAT, and for US students. That's because these students will either (most likely) not get accepted in Canada, or because in the US almost all acceptances/rejections have already been out.

The second round of interviews are for students that have a possibility of acceptance in Canada, so they wait till the acceptances/rejections are out for these students before sending out the interview invites for RCSI, that way they people who were accepted in Canada will just decline the RCSI interview. Instead of them going to the interview and then declining their acceptance offer after. This saves them time and money for interviewing less people who are more likely to accept their offers (shorter waitlists).

I have been getting PMs from several people asking me if they have a good chance at RCSI and why they haven't had an invite yet. And they all have great ECs and stats. So this could be true.
When I was at the RCSI interview, in the waiting area, I talked to several people and some of them mentioned that they were already interviewed at Canadian schools. Most of us also had a high MCAT score (I had a 32) and near competitive stats for Canada. So I dont think that Handsom88 has a very plausible theory. Most likely, the high scoring (MCAT) students are interviewed first (with some outliers), followed by the rest . OR it may be just random.
I had a 32Q; with 11 PS: 11V : 10 Bio. I understand however that "high scores" are all relative to where you are applying. Maybe UCD will smile upon me. Regardless, I got in to SGU in the Carib's so I will be heading somewhere.
i would recommend you wait for reply from irish schools before accepting carib... As long as the rest of your application is decent then you should have very good chances.
I am sure I have a decent shot (I was more confident about this before the RCSI interview invites went out), however, SGU has some good selling points. If it comes down to Ireland vs. SGU, then I will have to do some soul searching - especially since my wife would prefer to sit around on the beach for two years vs. drinking Guinness for four (of course I like the latter) :).
Good luck to you all.
Not true. There are lots of people with humanities degrees at RCSI. In my honest opinion, they're some of the smartest people in the class

That's good to know. I also happen to be incredibly smart ;).
yes but if you study in ireland, you can travel europe for a very cheap price. aka study mon - fri, friday evening leave and go visit london or paris. then come back sunday evening. Furthermore, the irish schools have an excellent reputation in north America.

I have been looking at stats of acceptances for ireland, and you MCAT sounds like it should definitely get you in, as long as the rest of your app is good.
I am sure I have a decent shot (I was more confident about this before the RCSI interview invites went out), however, SGU has some good selling points. If it comes down to Ireland vs. SGU, then I will have to do some soul searching - especially since my wife would prefer to sit around on the beach for two years vs. drinking Guinness for four (of course I like the latter) :).
Good luck to you all.

i'm on the same boat, not sure if i will go ireland (if i get accepted at rcsi) or sgu. seems like more ppl on this forum think ireland is better than the caribbeans, but with the caribbeans you can do rotations in US hospitals. any inputs anyone?
yes but if you study in ireland, you can travel europe for a very cheap price. aka study mon - fri, friday evening leave and go visit london or paris. then come back sunday evening.

I thought about that too, till I looked at the price of tuition and realized I'd need two lines of credit if that's what I was planning.

i'm on the same boat, not sure if i will go ireland (if i get accepted at rcsi) or sgu. seems like more ppl on this forum think ireland is better than the caribbeans, but with the caribbeans you can do rotations in US hospitals. any inputs anyone?

That is a fair point, and it puts you in contact with US docs for references come match time. That being said, I have several family members who are faculty at US med schools and they all mentioned to me that int he coming years the match is going to get very tight even for US grads because of new schools opening up. Florida just opened up another school (dont remember the name) but it's an MD schools so all their grads (100+) will be applying for the match. I think the rotations at US hospitals argument is going to get thinner and thinner as the years progress.

Then again, I'm not at that point yet and the US might open up more residency seats for students, who knows.
I also haven't heard anything back from RCSI - I had a 33O on the MCAT.