GPR rec Letters

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7+ Year Member
Jun 22, 2015
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Hi Everyone,

I’m currently in the process of working out my GPR application. I had a questions regarding the rec letters: Will I be able to choose which ones I send over?

Basically, I have the institutional evaluation form, 2 good rec letters from two dentists at my school, and one rec letter from an outside dentist I currently shadow. I have room for one more rec letter that I was gonna get from another doctor at the school but was wondering if it is really worth it. I don’t want the GPR program people to just select any random letters and read them. I want to ensure the 2 good ones I have stand out. The one from my general I shadow may not be as good as my other 2, and I don’t know how good the last doctor I was going to ask for a letter will be (seeing she is my last choice, but was thinking it is necessary to fill all rec letter slots on the application).

Anyone know much about this?

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