Got into UHCO - looking to work in CA in the future (CA native)

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To start, I recently got off the waiting list at UHCO and was sent an offer of acceptance from the institution. While I haven't formally accepted yet (the deadline hasn't expired), I am just elated at the opportunity the school has given me with this acceptance.

That being said, I have a few questions for the optometrists in this forum because I would like to work in California for my future career, possibly at a proper eye institute, hospital or clinic. I have formally accepted Western as a school because they were the only California school that accepted me - SCCO and UCB both dropping me like a stone.

These are my questions:

-In the group's opinion, would it be better to go to UHCO over Western?

-Is UHCO a relatively respected institution overall? How does it compare to other optometry schools?

-Is there any difficulty between moving from Texas to California concerning licensing? Are the two states radically different in terms of that?

Those are all the questions I can think about at the moment.


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Licensing won't matter as long as you graduated from an accredited school and passed boards.

UHCO is more established compared to Western.
Licensing won't matter as long as you graduated from an accredited school and passed boards.

UHCO is more established compared to Western.


Is UHCO a pretty respected school overall? I know that it is a pretty good research institution in the United States.