Good one year master's programs to get into dental school?

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May 26, 2019
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Hey all,

I am currently looking at one year programs that help cater into getting into dental school such as oral health sciences & biomedical sciences. So far I have Rutgers, Western (MSBS), and BU's MOHS program. I have checked older thread but most links seem to be expired for current master's program. Any help would be appreciated thanks!

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Midwestern's MA program is a good one. I did that one and I got into dental school. It's very difficult though
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Tulane Masters of Microbiology and Immunology.
University of North Texas
-12 months
-Designed for pre-meds/pre-dent/pre-health
-Had a few friends that went through this program and moved onto medical/dental school afterwards!

Tufts and Barry have one as well. If you search, there’s a thread about Special Master Programs (SMPs) that have more than what is listed here. I attended Rutgers in New Brunswick which is more geared to medical student but I am now in dental school. Rutgers Newark is separate and is more geared towards dental students so you could apply to both if you want. They are almost completely separate from what I understand
What was the turn around time? How long did it take them to get back to your application?
I applied at the beginning of February and found out I got in in early March. There was an interview over the phone during that time, too. I applied as soon as it opened, I'm not sure if you apply now how quick it would be to find out
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Nova Southeastern university mbs program! It's great program with guaranteed interview 🙂 very challenging tho so be ready for work (this goes for most SMPs)