Good Habits

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Austin Eddy

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10+ Year Member
Dec 29, 2012
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I have noticed that when I don't do as well as I want to academically it is usually because of only one test or one bad assignment! I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to stay on top of school work throughout the semester and how to stay motivated to get those killer grades! :thumbup:

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I like to combine all my notes into one packet, something I started during my masters and I got an A on every test. I make sure I do the readings before class, don't take notes on this first read. I use my computer to type notes during class, if they are power points I convert them into note form in word (copy and paste the text) and add to them. I take notes on the required readings (before the next class) and add these to my lecture/powerpoint notes. For each test I print off the notes so the only thing I need to study is contained in this one packet. I also find it easier to remember information that is on paper than on the computer.

The main thing is to have your notes or study materials that you will use for your exam finalized before you get to your next class, I find a lot of exam study is spent preparing to study.
Hmm do you know why you're not doing well? And you said one bad exam or assignment is the reason why you're not succeeding academically... is that "one bad exam" usually one of the first few exams (where you're starting to adjust to the exam's format, materials, etc.), last, or the final?
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I have noticed that when I don't do as well as I want to academically it is usually because of only one test or one bad assignment! I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to stay on top of school work throughout the semester and how to stay motivated to get those killer grades! :thumbup:

If I did poorly on just one test, it was usually just the cumulative final :oops: If you're like me, try to pad your grade with as many A's as you can before going into the final. Also ask for extra credit opportunities in the beginning of the semester. Similarly, try to build a good relationship with your professor from day one. Not only does it show that you're engaged, but they're more likely to look the other way at a single missed assignment or something to that effect. Keep LORs in mind too :naughty:
I think I do the same thing as Hawkteeth. I make a finalized, condensed note packet about 4 days before an exam. It contains rewritten handouts, powerpoint, class notes etc (not sparing any details). I use color coding to make things stand out. I carry this packet around so everything you need to know is easily accessible --not scattered throught my materials. Having everything I need to know in one place takes the anxiety out of studying so I can focus. Also, rewriting everything helps ALOT.
Hmm do you know why you're not doing well? And you said one bad exam or assignment is the reason why you're not succeeding academically... is that "one bad exam" usually one of the first few exams (where you're starting to adjust to the exam's format, materials, etc.), last, or the final?

It is usually either the first or one of the middle exams of the semester. I just cant seem to do well on every test in a class! I think it may be a mixture of priories between other classes. Perhaps I need to have a more balanced diet of studying for all my classes as well as hitting the books hard at the beginning of each semester.
Re-writing your notes bro. Do this everyday and you will be surprised with your brain ability in the finals.
Summarizing a semester's worth of notes is a great strategy. Also remember to cram 2 days before the test rather than the night before.

I used to make my final note sheets on a couple 8.5x14 sheets. I did the same for the DAT. You need to have something that you can flip through in 5-15 minutes that will convey all the details for a course/test. This organizing on paper helps you organize info in your brain as well.

Besides those two, just make sure you're focused during the test. Without that, no amount of prep will get you a good grade.
Re-writing your notes bro. Do this everyday and you will be surprised with your brain ability in the finals.

That's what I did and ended up with a 4.0. However, this WILL NOT work in dental school, where you have 10x lectures per week. I tried doing that and almost killed myself during D1...