Going from Pharm Tech to Pharmacy Intern Walgreens

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7+ Year Member
Sep 22, 2015
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I have been a pharmacy tech at Walgreens for almost 3 years during my undergraduate schooling, I plan on attending pharmacy school next fall. How does it work with staying at walgreens when I transition to pharmacy school. My pharmacy school could potentially be in the same city I am in now so would my job title change to Pharmacy Intern at my store? When am I allowed to become a pharmacy intern? Or would it just be better for me to stay as a Pharmacy Technician while in Pharmacy school? Also, do pharmacy interns make more money than pharmacy techs or would I just get a fancier title since I am in PharmD school?

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From what I've been told (haven't been there TOO long), you need to speak to the pharmacy manager and then to district manager to begin the process once you are admitted to pharmacy school. I think it varies by state as to when you can actually become an intern, though. Like I said, not 100% sure, but I know that talking to the district manager would definitely answer your questions. Good luck! I'm hoping to do the same thing once I get to Pharmacy school!
You can become an Intern when you get your intern license (depends on the state). Your RXM should email the area health supervisor once you have your license, and then you'll get bumped up. You may or may not stay at the same store. And yes you get paid more.