For those that just took the MCAT, what is your schedule like this semester?

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Apr 24, 2002
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How many classes did you all take and how difficult were they? I'm taking the MCAT next april and my schedule will most likely be physics II, physiology, an upper level music class and a requirement course. I think it's just about right, what do yall think? Thanks!

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I had a hell of schedule this semester, but it just goes to show that it CAN be done. I feel that I did really well on the MCAT. I did however, enroll in Kaplan, because with the schedule that I had I NEVER would have studied on my own. I had a total of 24cr. Pharmacology, Evolution, Calculus I, upper lever psychology, research internship, EMT basic course, and 20-25hr/week work, and Kaplan on the weekends.
It seems like a hell of a lot, but if you're willing to make the necessary sacrifices it will work.
I took MCAT without studying at all since I was so busy with my research.
I think I got above average.
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That schedule sounds fine. Take lots of sciences classes if you can so you will have the stuff fresh in your head. I took 10 hours :) But that's all I needed to graduate. STUDY. You will regret not studying unless you get a stellar score, unless you are willing to settle. I am not.
20 credits - including bio of development (w/lab), my senior research, an independent study with a crim. faculty member, and pchem. I think the number of classes/credits you take depends on how well you can manage your time - if you're taking a "class" for the MCAT then it will be scheduled in for you, and you might have less time some nights for other school work. I didn't take a class and studied for it in my spare time - I start in December for the April class.

Good luck!
I kind of made my load a little less demanding. 17 credits, taking Chemical biology, Psychology statistics, Sports nutrition, chem bio lab, classics independent readings, and an independent study in exercise physiology. The latter two i did not have to attend class for, which cut out on the class scheduling times that could interfere with mcat studying. Chem bio was time-intensive, but only for one day per week. psych stats, chem bio were just normal classes with normal loads. Sports nutrition was a pain in the butt, but again not quite as work intensive as other courses i've taken in the past. All throughout this time I also worked about 10 hours per week in the lab, and had crew practices/races. In the last couple weeks leading to the MCAT, I stopped going to work to prepare. I studied since January, because I'm a senior and had been away from a lot of the material for more than 2 years. I don't know if it helped that much or not, since the bulk of my prep came within the last two weeks.
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Steinway:
•How many classes did you all take and how difficult were they? I'm taking the MCAT next april and my schedule will most likely be physics II, physiology, an upper level music class and a requirement course. I think it's just about right, what do yall think? Thanks!•••••Be aware that there will be some Physics II on the MCAT...especially electricity...
30 units -- two schools (22 at a university and 8 at a community college). I totally screwed myself. I started studying in September, but it wasn't the hardcore studying I should have done. It was more of a "Look at the pretty, new MCAT books sitting on my bookshelf - maybe, someday, I'll study them." I had an organic chem midterm the day prior to the MCAT's which didn't make life any easier. I didn't take any formal MCAT classes but I must admit that the EXAMKRACKERS series saved my ass.

Your classes don't sound too bad right before the MCAT. It sounds like you'll have all your prereqs done by then, so you'll be fine. Best of luck.