Medical Fellowship Admissions Consulting & Editing

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Fellowship application tip: Don’t turn your fellowship essay into a rehashing of your CV. Your CV is where you should list your accomplishments blow-by-blow; your essay, on the other hand, is where you should focus on insights into your experiences and how they influenced your fellowship goals – the story of where you are going given where you have been with a specific focus on your choice of this fellowship.

Need more advice on your fellowship application? Need guidance on how to best present yourself in your essays and beat your competition? can help you! We’ve helped thousands of fellowship applicants gain acceptance to top fellowships since 1994. Our consultants bring decades of admissions experience to the table and look forward to helping you obtain your ideal fellowship match!

Here are some of the services we offer fellowship applicants:

1) Fellowship Admissions Consulting and Editing
2) CV/Resume Services
3) Fellowship Interview Prep
4) Letters of Recommendation Services

Members don't see this ad. will be giving away one hour of Fellowship Consulting to one lucky member!

Winners for each raffle will be drawn from among the members who post questions about the product or otherwise meaningfully contribute to the discussion.

Good luck :)