Feeling hopeless... Medical School starts in 3 weeks.

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The first part, you should discuss with a health care professional to decide whether or not you are mentally prepared to go to med school. You should also set up mental health resources that you can use as soon as you start.

The 2nd to last paragraph- everyone about to start is feeling the same things or some variation. I'm a commitment-phobe. I'm the type to make big plans and then 5mins before they happen, I completely scrap them for something new and normally more grand. The idea of committing to this long path is against my nature and that concerns me. I also experienced burn out in undergrad and I'm concerned how that will play out in med school. Perfectly normal to be concerned about taking such a major life step.

I hope you come to peace with everything in the coming weeks and @Crayola227 usually has good links/opinions on mental health issues
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I also think, in regards to beginning school with a health condition, it isn't quite the 'in for a penny, in for a pound' you're imagining it to be. If **** hits the fan you can take a medical LOA. Not ideal, but it's an option. I don't say this to give the idea that you enter school with the intention of taking a LOA, bc you shouldn't, but it's comforting to know the option is there if you absolutely need it.

That said, do your best to avoid ever being in a situation where you need to take time off. Set yourself up for success. Seek out friends, find a good mentor, find a good therapist, exercise regularly and eat a good diet. These are all things that help keep stress under control. If you need help, know when to ask for it and have no reservations about doing so.
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@90210 You should figure out all your options, how to proceed, and have contingency plans in place. Familiarize yourself with your limits and start identifying what conditions will and will not trigger your headache. When dealing with multiple variables to solve, it makes sense that you start tackling the ones that you can find the answers to e.g. your own conditions, symptom, and triggers. That way you can determine what is the schedule and the plan that you need to enact to be on par with your fellow classmates. Aside from that, whether or not you can go or should go is ultimately a decision that you need to make because only you have the information from suffering through the symptoms of this disease.
In addition to the medical issues you are already getting treatment for, make sure you take some time to process the trauma and the grieving involved with experiencing something like that. Depending on your location, there might be support groups for people experiencing something similar, or for disability generally.

I would also recommend that you get in touch with your school's disability offices and find out what kinds of accommodations might be available to you, should you need them. Having a relationship established with the disability office may make it easier to get accommodations later even if you don't need them at first.
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