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Jan 22, 2006
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HI everyone...

I thought I might be able to get some thoughts on this subject since Im sure there are others who are currently in my situation...

My boyfriend has recently been accepted to Pharm school in and out of state. For a year now, I have known that this time would come... the time in which the two of us would have to face the road that lies ahead. I've never doubted his ability to get into pharm school, in fact ive been very supportive. I want him to pursue the dream he holds in his heart, to pursue the very thing that makes him happy and wherever that may be i support him 150%.

but at the same time... im scared. scared that things will change... that our relationship will drift...and i may lose the one man i truly want to have my life. am i being selfish to think this? im not asking him to chose in state, although deep down inside im scared of distance too. because i know that in or out of state... he will be busy with school and i know i have to be understanding and patient....

... i guess i just can't help being scared... not really knowing what lies ahead for us....

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We need more details. Are you able to move with him? Are you locked down in your current location for some reason? How long have you been dating? Being scared is normal. How was your relationship while he studied for the PCAT or some other time when he was really busy? Were you ever put on the back burner?
in response to the prev...

our relationship during his study for the PCAT wasnt bad at all, we made time for each other..even when we both were preoccupied with other own activities. He had many community service projects and I working on my Med. Tech internship and we both had a lot of stuff on our plates, but distance wasnt much of a problem, for we still managed to see each other once a week.

...im working and in means of trying to pursue PA school in the near future... possibly for next year. I am not in the position, as of this time, to be able to move with him for reasons him and i know...primarily because of my job and me contemplating to drop everything here and go there with him...and err family issues as well.... its just not the time... that much i know

I've always trusted his word... nothing has ever happened to make me doubt him in anyway... nor would i want him to ever doubt me. I've never been placed in the back-burner. If, ever that would have been my mistake once, and I DONT EVER want to do that again..

I understand that this feeling I feel, scared about what lies ahead is natural... i just dont know why i feel bad about feeling it.... if that makes any sense....