Failed Step 2 CS - effect of retake on ranking

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Full Member
Oct 28, 2018
Reaction score
I recently found out that I failed Step 2 CS. This was after I submitted my residency apps to IM programs, from which I have already received 16 interviews, almost all of which are in California. I go to a top 30 school in the Midwest, so the news has been awful considering my plan to return to Cali. Not to mention my motivation has been zilth for the last month. My plan is to retake in late December (hopefully pass), and to not release my Step 2 CS scores at all until after ranking list (i.e. decision for PD to have me in residency program has been made). If a program asks me about the score during an interview, I'll be prepared with an appropriate response. But in actuality, how grave of an issue does all of this really represent? Am I blowing it out of proportion? Does anyone know what effect a Step 2 CS retake during the interview season has on ranking? Also, what about after ranking, but before matching? Is there a deadline to release this score?

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Another poster had a similar issue - US senior, failed CS the first time around, kept it on the DL unless directly asked, and passed the retake in time to match. They matched well. Link to post

Also, I'm applying FM, not IM, but most of the programs I've applied to seem to require a passing CS score by ROL due date or they won't rank you. I'd take a look at the requirements on the website for the programs you've got interviews at and make sure they consider applicants with CS failures. If they don't, I wouldn't mention anything to them, but I would consider throwing a few more apps out to programs that do just as a backup (though I'm not sure if you could only release your Step 1 and CK to them?). Also, I would look to retake as soon as you are sure that you can reasonably pass - the sooner you get back that passing score and can tell programs about it, the better.

Also, I'm sure you've done this, but reach out to your school's academic success office and see if you can get some tutoring, maybe do some extra practice OSCEs, etc. to see if there's anything you can fix.

Wish you the best man, this is such a ridiculous test. Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback and that link! That story is very reassuring! So I get that programs will require a passing Step 2CS score for ROL for certification/administrative reasons, but I guess I've always wondered if they would change their mind on me last second, and rank me much lower on their list, if they found that my Pass was preceded by a fail.