EPPP practice test scores for those who passed

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congrats to those who passed... my college mails scores to me so doubt i will get them before next week. i am still fairly convinced i failed after rushing through so many ? at the end and not finishing... sigh.

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Update! My score was just posted on my state website and I PASSED!!! I am beyond thrilled and excited. Big THANK YOU to everyone who helped keep me sane through this process. It was incredible to have the support of this thread :)
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Update! My score was just posted on my state website and I PASSED!!! I am beyond thrilled and excited. Big THANK YOU to everyone who helped keep me sane through this process. It was incredible to have the support of this thread :)

Congrats!!! YAY! I agree, this thread has some great folks that gave advice that helped me cope!
Update! My score was just posted on my state website and I PASSED!!! I am beyond thrilled and excited. Big THANK YOU to everyone who helped keep me sane through this process. It was incredible to have the support of this thread :)

Congrats to those who passed. To those who didn't....it can be helpful to review how you studied what you studied. I found the practice exams to be most helpful because I knew the material, but I struggled at times to select "the best" answer. Once you get through this, you won't have to think about I/O, psychoanalysis, and/or other subjects that you had to learn just for this exam.
still waiting for my mark :(

not sure i want to get it anyway! did anyone else struggle with finishing all the questions on time or having to answer some super quickly?
Does anyone know if we are allowed to sell our used EPPP study materials online?
Hi all,
Congratulations to all who have taken the EPPP! I am planning to take it within the next year or so, during postdoc. I was wondering, does anyone know whether an EPPP passing score can expire? (E.g. GRE scores are good for 5 years - is there any rule like that about EPPP scores)?

The reason I ask is that I want to get it done asap but also want to pace it so that if postdoc takes longer than anticipated (I am relocating to a state with different postdoc hour requirements) I will not have to retake the EPPP.

Thanks for your advice! I have not been able to find this answer anywhere.

I took the EPPP today, and as many others have said, I feel certain I failed it. I keep looking over my practice scores leading up to the exam (PEPPO 510 10 days pre-test, and 84% two days before on TSM) in the effort to understand how it could have gone so badly. This process is nuts. It's discouraging to think that I'll likely have to spend another couple months in the books and unable to actually just move beyond this (not to mention the financial implications). Tonight, I'd probably be best served by just watching bad movies and shaking off the nerves of the last few days.

Any advice?
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Same boat. 570 PEPPO, 84% retired test questions. Took it yesterday, and feeling like I failed. Finished with less than 3 minutes to spare, after knocking out my practice exams with much faster time. After the test, I spent hours obsessively trying to look up what was the "right answer"... it's exceptionally frustrating when it's nowhere in the materials, OR online! Some of the questions were also SO BADLY WRITTEN. Things I'm trying to remember:

1) Zeigarnik effect
2) Many people with similar pre-test scores walked out feeling like they failed, and they passed.
3) The worst thing that can happen is I take it again. It's got to get done, one way or another.

Best of luck!
Hahahaha... thanks for bringing that to my attention. :)

Question for discussion regarding practice items-
Ethically, how is PES able to use candidates for their own research related to the creation of future exams (e.g., forcing us to take the 50 practice questions)? Seems like participation is a little coercive (take the exam or no license), which would be against the ethics code... but maybe it's not being done by psychologists? But then, the state licensing boards (mostly psychologists) are also compelling participation in the company's research in order to be licensed... Thoughts?
Curious to know how everyone did on their practice tests if they did a couple rounds. Anyone here take a few exams, waited 3-4 weeks, then take them again?

Factoring in practice effect, how much better did you do the second time around (e.g., 60's the first time and 80's on the retest) and how did this predict with EPPP results?
Hahahaha... thanks for bringing that to my attention. :)

Question for discussion regarding practice items-
Ethically, how is PES able to use candidates for their own research related to the creation of future exams (e.g., forcing us to take the 50 practice questions)? Seems like participation is a little coercive (take the exam or no license), which would be against the ethics code... but maybe it's not being done by psychologists? But then, the state licensing boards (mostly psychologists) are also compelling participation in the company's research in order to be licensed... Thoughts?

I just had the same thought. If I dont want to help you test out your questions, I shouldnt have to.

Also, from my AR book: "The demands of the EPPP do not always correlate with material you reviewed and graduate school." Well, why the hell should this be?!

Further, "Questions on the EPPP often focus on obscure information or minor details of a particular theory." Again, why should this be?! This is exactly the opposite of how I want clinical scientists to learn and to think!
And, does anyone think npsychs have any kind of advantage on the EPPP? I was npsych in grad school but ultimately didnt post-doc but have still gotten 100% of the items from this subsection correct on AR practice tests.
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And, does anyone think npsychs have any kind of advantage on the EPPP? I was npsych in grad school but ultimately didnt post-doc in it but have still gotten 100% of the items from this subsection correct on AR practice tests.

Definitely, though I think a pediatric neuropsychologist has the biggest advantage because of all of the developmental stuff too.
From my EPPP study book: "Empirical evidence has generally refuted the claim that licensure adequately protects the public. Licensure boards tend to be overworked, underfunded...."

Well, I am so glad I am toiling away at a Starbucks on Tuesday afternoon to study for something that has little benefit to me or anyone else. Curse, curse, curse...
Well, I am so glad I am toiling away at a Starbucks on Tuesday afternoon to study for something that has little benefit to me or anyone else. Curse, curse, curse...

It will be helpful if/when you decide to focus on I/O. I was under the impression that you finished the EPPP?
It will be helpful if/when you decide to focus on I/O. I was under the impression that you finished the EPPP?

The I/O component of the EPPP seems so out of place to me. It really does not have anything to do with clinical practice. I found studying for that irritating for that reason. However, I do find it mildly interesting so it wasn't the end of the world.

But erg, I feel your pain. My strategy was to cram most of the studying within two weeks and to not prolong the process. But if you do have those audio files - they make for easy passive studying while commuting.
Yeah, I focused my time on studying things that weren't in my wheelhouse (i.e., I/O and developmental). Studied for a week and a half, highest I got on a practice test was a 75. Just got my score back, passed with plenty of room to spare. (Disclaimer: this is how I usually study, it works for me, may not for some).
Can anyone confirm if New York state report results on PSYIMS or just regular mail? All my colleagues reported that they found out via mail. Thanks.
Please disregard my previous post as I just received my letter from PES! I have to say I'm impressed it arrived quickly as I didn't expect it until end of the week/early next week.

Also, I checked the PSYims website and my scores were not shown so I guess to date, NYS does not show scores there.
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Well, after ten months of study (AATBS) and a failed attempt in December, I found out this morning that I am licensed in Virginia. I don't know my score yet, but will post when I find out.
I just got my scores back about 2 weeks ago and did really well despite never passing any of the AATBS practice tests. My practice test scores ranged from 64-68% and I've heard similar stories from others in my cohort who did much better on the actual exam. Good luck!
Well, after ten months of study (AATBS) and a failed attempt in December, I found out this morning that I am licensed in Virginia. I don't know my score yet, but will post when I find out.
Congrats! What is the cutoff there, 500?

I just got my scores back about 2 weeks ago and did really well despite never passing any of the AATBS practice tests. My practice test scores ranged from 64-68% and I've heard similar stories from others in my cohort who did much better on the actual exam. Good luck!
I've heard AATBS to be more complicated. I used AR, scored in the 70s, and also passed... definitely scary since NYS has a higher bar than some other states...
Hi Everyone! I'm new to this forum. I just took the EPPP yesterday and feeling pretty awful about it. I was scoring mid to high 60's first time through AATBS practice exame, mid to high 80's second time through, and scored a 79% on the retired test questions. Still, I walked out feeling like I had to guess between 2-3 answers on several questions. It feels demoralizing. Any words of encouragement? :)
Hi Everyone! I'm new to this forum. I just took the EPPP yesterday and feeling pretty awful about it. I was scoring mid to high 60's first time through AATBS practice exame, mid to high 80's second time through, and scored a 79% on the retired test questions. Still, I walked out feeling like I had to guess between 2-3 answers on several questions. It feels demoralizing. Any words of encouragement? :)

Good luck! At least you'll get your results in the next few days hopefully since you took it towards the end of the month.
Thanks! Yeah, that is a positive...I'm on pins and needles! I feel like I could have nailed it or bombed it!
Would anyone from CA share how long it took to get their scores after the 15th or last day of the month, and in what format it arrived (regular mail, email)? I took it on 7/19 and was hoping to receive something in the mail yesterday or today (8/6), but still nothing. Waiting sucks!
Would anyone from CA share how long it took to get their scores after the 15th or last day of the month, and in what format it arrived (regular mail, email)? I took it on 7/19 and was hoping to receive something in the mail yesterday or today (8/6), but still nothing. Waiting sucks!

I have not recieved my score either... I took the exam on 7/20 and am hoping to hear back soon. Waiting does suck! :(
I still have not recieved my score and I took it on 7/29. What are they waiting for!
I just got my an email that my score is viewable online. I passed! Such a relief. I left feeling like I bombed it after leaving the test and ended up with a 621, so definitely don't go on how you feel after. Good luck all!

Now for the CPSE.. sigh.
That's so great!!! Congratulations!

Where did you check online? I'm still waiting to hear from Kansas...

UPDATE: I PASSED! With a 641. I killed that thing!
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Such a relief! Congrats to you! I can't believe how discrepant my score was from how I felt after the exam. I really felt like I failed! What a horrible test!
My wife took the EPPP on July 2 in Texas and still has not received her scores. Is this normal? When should she expect her scores?
The scores are supposed to be sent to the state on the 15th and last day of each month, and then the state should send them out to her. I think she should have received her score already since it should have been sent to the Texas board on 7/15. I'm in CA, so not sure how they provide scores in TX, but she may want to contact the board and inquire further. I took the test on 7/19 and received mine yesterday.
Hi All,

For what it's worth, I took the EPPP last week and learned my scores only 8 days later via online. It's a good idea to take it just before the 15th or 30th of the month, to lessen the agonizing wait.

I took the EPPP practice test at the testing center one month in advance and had passed with a 550. Totally thought I failed the real-deal test--I thought it seemed way harder than my practice tests personally, but it turns out I passed with 674 after studying 4 months with old study materials from Academic Review and PsychPrep.

Good luck everyone!
Hi! I'm preparing for the EPPP and would like to get the most recent feedback on what materials helped others pass the test. Any suggestions on using multiple materials at the same time (e.g., PsychPrep and Academic Review)? I'm planning on studying a couple of hours each weekday and weekends and picking it up closer to the time I take the exam. I'd love to hear other strategies that worked for those that passed? Thanks in advance! :D
Hi All,

For what it's worth, I took the EPPP last week and learned my scores only 8 days later via online. It's a good idea to take it just before the 15th or 30th of the month, to lessen the agonizing wait.

I took the EPPP practice test at the testing center one month in advance and had passed with a 550. Totally thought I failed the real-deal test--I thought it seemed way harder than my practice tests personally, but it turns out I passed with 674 after studying 4 months with old study materials from Academic Review and PsychPrep.

Good luck everyone!

Congrats!!! :thumbup: Great news and thanks for sharing. I have older materials also (2012 Psych Prep and 2010 Academic Review) but I was told I should buy the online tests for Psych Prep. Did you do that or just work of the materials you had? Trying to see what works best!
I also passed using outdated Academic Review (2010) materials and 8 old tests (paper and pencil). If you can get in and take it before they switch to DSM-V stuff, those materials seemed to cover the right topics.
Anyone know what state besides MS does not allow tests scores taken pre-doc? I have no intentions of EVER living in MS for personal reasons, but I don't want to hurt myself if I take it pre-doc if a lot of states don't allow it. I plan on taking it in Kentucky (my in-laws live there so I can use their address) this mid-next year before they update it to the DSM-V next summer. I would still be on internship when they switch.
Thanks to all those who posted their study methods, practice scores, and results. This thread has been so helpful to me so I want to contribute too. I'm happy to share that I passed!!! I found out about 8 business days after the 15th of the month, and I scored a 669 (NY has a slightly different pass score system. You need to score "greater than 75" [whatever that means], and mine was 88).

I inherited all study materials and paid $0. I used 2006 Psychprep study guides + CDs + exams, AR 2010 exams, and Retired Items. I found psychprep guides to be the most reflective of the materials seen on the actual test, and it's just the right amount of info (AR and AATBs were too detailed). I listened to the CDs on my way to work (oh Sharon and I have become the best of friends!). I work 40+ hrs/wk so studying was my part-time job. I averaged maybe 5-6 hrs/wk in first 2 months which increased to 8 hrs (5-6 hrs on weekends, 1-2 hrs spread out after work on weeknights) in the next 2 months. In the final month, I put in 15 hrs/wk and went through as many AR questions as I could. I would HIGHLY recommend taking off the day (or if you can afford to, DAYS) from work before the exam so you can get a massage, relax, recuperate and be mentally and emotionally ready for the exam.

Practice scores:
First round on Psychprep: Test A=53%, the rest in mid 60's
Second round of Psychprep: low/mid 80's
Third round (excessive, but to boost my self-esteem at the end): low 90's
AATBS #1 (2 wks before EPPP): 70%
AR#1 2006 (a month before EPPP): 64%; AR 2010 #2-5: low/mid 70's.
Retired items (2 weeks before EPPP): 82% (get these items!! it's a pretty good estimate of your pass rate. Need to get above 70)

I did not walk out of the test feeling like I failed, but I didn't think I passed for sure either. I saw questions from AR and Psychprep. And then there were the oddball questions that you have no clue about. The majority were the ones where you get down to 2 choices and you hope that you picked the right one. Best advice I got was to trust your initial instincts, UNLESS when you re-read it, you realized you misread the question or answers. Many times on my practice test, I would change the answer and then I was wrong.

For a few months, your life sucks, and you start doubting all that you've learned in your program. But you take it, you will eventually pass, and then it's over. I attended a pretty solid APA-accredited middle of the road (half clinical, half research) PhD program, but I definitely learned new stuff from studying the EPPP. The test kind of brought me back to ugrad days when you get exposed to the wide spectrum of psychology, as opposed to the narrow clinical/abnormal stuff we do on a day to day basis post grad school.

Good luck on your final hurdle, everyone! :)
Congrats!!! :thumbup: Great news and thanks for sharing. I have older materials also (2012 Psych Prep and 2010 Academic Review) but I was told I should buy the online tests for Psych Prep. Did you do that or just work of the materials you had? Trying to see what works best!
Don't bother with the new (2012/2013) materials. They recycle a lot of the questions. I heard even w/ the psychprep audio CDs, the copyright date might be a more current date, but the material/presentation sounds the same as the older versions.
Congrats to all who passed! I would definitely suggest purchasing online tests. I think those helped the most for prep. As far as combining study methods, in my experience Academic Review was was easier than AATBS (which is what I used), but it did help with review and for testing me on material using different question variations.
Score on PsychPrep E - 70, although I took it when I was exhausted
Score on TSM practice tests - varied between 73 and 80
Score on AATBS - hovered between 60 and 70
Score on the practice test you can order online from the EPPP people - 74
Actual score - close, but higher than highest TSM score
Time to receive scores - 26 days
Study time - about three months

GLAD IT'S OVER! If you're using TSM, that was the test that had the most predictive value for me and I felt had questions that were closest to what I actually saw on the exam. I think AATBS is a nerve-racking waste of time; I could have taken the test I think months before I actually took it but was freaked out by how poorly I did on those. I say scrap those and go with PsychPrep or TSM. I was lucky enough to get TSM paid for though my job, but I think it's worth it either way because it's well organized and easy to work though, and easy to see where your status is. It's even a bit fun, because of the web interface and the quiz questions. The cost in its own way, if it gets you to pass, is worth it because you'll end up paying that much to retake the exam.
good luck everyone!

1st, before my rant, I will say congrats !!!!!

Now... I took my test 28 days ago ARGH !!!!! I have no idea if I passed and left the testing
center feeling quite defeated. I have a job waiting that I may loose if I don't hear soon !!!! I'm going absolutely bonkers!!!!
Are you from Texas by chance......