Enough MCAT prep materials?

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Apr 29, 2017
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I am starting MCAT studying now and plan to take it sometime in September. I just purchased the AAMC official MCAT prep bundle with the online and physical stuff. I am wondering what else should I get. After hours of looking it up there are so many mixed reviews. I was thinking about buying the Kaplan 7 book set subject review, that with the aamc bundle will that be enough material? I also understand that those only include 6 practice tests and that I should take more. I'm going to list my questions to answer them easier:

1. If getting the Kaplan 7-book set is a good idea should I get the 2019-2020 or the 2020-2021 set? I am planning on taking the exam September 2019.

2. Where are good places to buy practical full length tests to try for the mcat? the AAMC bundle I bought includes 3 but I don't want to take those until closer to the test.

3. Should I just start on the AAMC individual subject question packs? Or should I study first and then do that?

4. From reading all the posts here I can see that each review book set has its pros and cons, but would it be practical to buy one and use only that for studying? Like only buying the Princeton review or kaplan book set.

Thank you for looking at my questions and I appreciate the help.

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Hey really thank you for the help.

6. There are many book sets available. How do you learn best? Do you like details or overview? How did you do in your prerequisite? Do you want practice questions? What’s your budget? That will help me better assist you in suggesting an appropriate set.

I'd say I learn best with reading and practice exams for sure. As far as detail or overview, I feel like anything that's necessary to know I'd like but nothing completely not questioned on. In my prereqs I had a 100% on all my biochem exams, I got a 4.0 in orgo 2. But in microbio I got a 3.0. But this was a while ago and my study habits have made a complete 360.

I would prefer to buy a book set and learn through there, but from what I've read all the sets are not good for psych and to use khan academy for that. When people mention khan academy are they referring to this: MCAT | Test prep | Khan Academy ? like the free videos and questions they post?

Oh and for the budget I'd like to stick to spending like around another ~$200. But I understand if I need to spend more and if it's worth it I'd like it.

Thank you.
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Yes that’s correct. Many people also use khan for other topics and it’s a comprehensive resource. A preparation organization I started, Mcatbros, has compiled all the notes and they are available in my signature (you can see it if you’re logged in on a computer), which assist you with watching these videos.

Do you learn well from details, practice questions, a brief overview? What’s your budget? Mcat books range from 125—>413 depending on the set and they include different things.

I would say practice questions and details for sure. A brief overview would work too if it encompasses all information neccessary for sure and I'd prefer that over reading a whole lot of stuff that isn't tested on. My budget is like ~$200 more I can spend, but if some material is substantially better I would pay more.

And cool! I'm gonna check out your stuff right now.
Isn't tested on is a vague term and no company really knows what is and isn't tested on. Since you don't want a ton of detail (it appears) - you should focus on either getting Kaplan (which can be found for $50-150 depending on the edition. The downside of Kaplan is that it is devoid of practice beyond it's 3 practice exams that it comes with. The sets that do have practice are Examkrackers (minimal, unless paired with EK 101), Berkeley Review (lots, but very dry), NextStep, and The princeton review (only the course set of 10). I'd say stick with kaplan and maybe use Khan academy for additional practice passages as well for your situation based on what I know! Try to give it a read at a local bookstore to see if it suits your style.

I want to start studying as soon as possible, and the Kaplan with the online access set said delivery will take estimated June 10. If I ordered the Princeton review set I could get it tomorrow. This is what I was looking at: Princeton review link

Do you suggest this? And if I were to supplement the 7 book set and practice exams with the EK exams that are like $40 each?

Thank you!!
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Your question can be distilled down to a simple question: Will you do over 1000 practice passages and 10,000 practice questions by the time you sit for your FLs. If the answer is yes, then you're good. if the answer is no, then augment your stockpile.
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Your question can be distilled down to a simple question: Will you do over 1000 practice passages and 10,000 practice questions by the time you sit for your FLs. If the answer is yes, then you're good. if the answer is no, then augment your stockpile.

Okay sounds good, by practice passages do you mean for the CARS or something like that? Where do you suggest practicing/purchasing passages?

Thank you.
NS 1-4 and whichever book set you prefer. Also consider Anki and find a deck on reddit
So what i have been doing is reading and taking notes on the end of chapter summary and then going back to fill in any missing details. It seems more manageable and less overwhelming. Is this an actual way to attack this or am I 100% wrong?
So what i have been doing is reading and taking notes on the end of chapter summary and then going back to fill in any missing details. It seems more manageable and less overwhelming. Is this an actual way to attack this or am I 100% wrong?

I focused on the twenty-something questions that were embedded in the reading. I took notes on any clever tricks they showed or if I got a question wrong. I didn't worry so much about the content, because nearly all that could be found in the sample questions in the reading. By the time I started phase 1 passages, I had already thoroughly reviewed the 20 sample questions.
How heavy should I focus on content review versus practice questions if I am planning on taking the exam at the end of August?
For the phsycology section the content is more important. For everything else, practice is more important.
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