Dog in Dental School?

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15+ Year Member
Jan 10, 2006
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For all you pet lovers out there...

I was thinking about adopting a dog when I get out of undergrad (no dogs allowed in dorms :( )

Just wondering, does anyone have a dog in dental school, and mind sharing the experiences? I have a dog at home with the folks, so I understand that you can't bring an animal into a home unless there is someone there to care for it. So my question is, being in dental school, is there time to care for such a cute cuddly creature?

Thanks :)

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I really think it depends on the breed of dog you have. Some dogs will require more attention than others. Also, living in a small apartment may not be the best for dogs that require lots of room to stretch their legs. It's doable, but when you are gone for 8 hours each day, are you willing to go home every few hours to walk the dog, let him do his business, and feed him? The first two years may be a little too hectic. I plan on getting a dog (or cat) once third year rolls around.
A few of my classmates have dogs, and one just got a new puppy during first year. Especially if it would improve your life on both sides, you should absolutely go for it. Some people wouldn't like the idea of balancing dental school with a spouse, kids, job, etc. etc. and still there are many every year that do just that.

But yes, be careful of the breed and age and even species. (We bought two kittens at the end of first year and it worked out so well for us since cats are low-maintenance.) You may need to rent a house instead of an apartment, though a nicer apt complex probably has lots of families with pets, especially if there are good walking spots.
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I have had my dog for about 3 years now, fortunately I have a doggie door and a fenced in yard, so for the most part he can do what he wants when he wants it. I study at home and walk him a couple of times a week, he is happy, I am happy. As an aside, the doggie door is up there with the internet and cars in terms of great inventions.
I guess you could practice on your dog.:smuggrin:
*runs for cover*:D
I know this is off topic, well kinda...but has anyone ever scaled their dogs' teeth? My dog back home needs a cleaning and I was wondering if anyone has tried this. I heard they put them under when they clean them in a vet office...hmmm..
it really depends on where you are going to school. I lived in vegas for a bit w my dogs and you just cant leave them outside in the summer....they die. Im in pitt right now, and i have the opposite problem of them freezing facing me right now. SO...moral of the story is...hopefully you have someone else who can help care for it, bc if you spend too much time at school one day, and your dog is locked up...its gonna be messy. gotta make sure you spend the time to train it and walk it and clean up its messes and stuff...i reccommend a wife, then a dog.
i got a wife then a week later came home w a i have 2 and Im a 1st year. (2 actually is great bc they play w eachother and if i dont wanna give them attn i just give them a toy they can fight over for hours.) lol
dogs are great company, just dont get one and leave it locked up for 13 hours in the day, come home let it out then go out to the bar till 1...yada yada...neglect
breed doesnt really matter dogs like cages all day alone.
If you plan to rent you will face the problem that some landlords don't want pets or dogs. Otherwise breed and regular dog exercise are key to dog happiness-an unhappy dog can do a lot of damage.
Just wondering, does anyone have a dog in dental school, and mind sharing the experiences?

Yes, my dog will be graduating from dental school this spring. I am so proud of him; he will make an awesome dentist!:D
I'm a third year dental student...and as much as I've wanted a dog a while, i decided to wait until the first 2 years were over. I just purchased a puppy last week and he will be shipped to me after the Xmas break...I'll keep you guys posted on how things go. I've never had a dog before, so things may get a bit hectic. However I do live only a few minutes away from school, which may make things a little easier. :)