Does it look bad if you do all your away rotations in one state?

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Oct 12, 2016
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If you wanted to go back home to a particular state and did all your away rotations in that state, but also applied outside of it, would it look bad to programs in states other than that one? They can see the locations of the away rotations, I presume, yes?

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In no way would it "look bad."

Now can doing rotations in a state/area you want to go help? Probably, but this is all just anecdotal stuff and there is no hard and fast rules for anything in the application cycle. I got interviews across the country with no ties and didn't get interviews in a region where I did a rotation. Ultimately doing rotations where you want to go is probably a decent idea, but not doing them in other places won't hurt you. Some of this depends on what specialty you are applying to as well. Also programs can see your transcripts and your letters, thats the only way for them to know where you rotated as far as I know.
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I would highly doubt it would have any negative impact on nearby states, but like I do think it might raise an eyebrow if you are in med school on the east coast, do all your aways in California and apply to Texas. I can say with certainty that this idea came up when I was applying for MD/PhD programs, including interviewers asking me why they should believe I would be willing to move to X after spending my whole life up to that point in the northeast.

The programs can only see what is on your transcript. If your transcript does not indicate it is an away or where it is, then they actually will have no idea.