Does diifuculty level of major matters to optometry admission committee?

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Smooth Operater

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May 22, 2004
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Cuz all the med schools hype in my faculty (Science), many ppl I met wanna to do an undergraduated honor degree in physiology cuz around 90% physiology undergrads go on med school. The quality of program is excellent. However, they only accept around 20 people each year, and the program itself is really intensive, and leave little room to take other electives. That means my overall GPA will drop abit if I go for physiology curriculum. So, my question is...

Do optometry admission committees actually factor in the level of diffuculty an applicant major in, in general? Or they just look at overall GPA of each applicant to determine who gets the interviews. Thank you !!!

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I think they just look at your GPA in the required coursework, not your major. I wouldn't do a physiology major just to get into Med school or Optometry school. You can get into either of these schools with many different majors. I would focus on picking something you really are interested in (be it physiology or something else) and making sure to take all prereq's for professional school in the process. You will probably enjoy your college experience more this way and get better grades in the process. Just a general observation from these posts, and I may be wrong...but I think you seem too focused on doing what other people expect of you and not being yourself.
i'm a theatre major bio minor that intends to go to optometry school. i've looked at a few optometry school aplications and a few questions are what is your major/minor? and a list of the prereqs taken as well as the grades in the prereqs and the prereq avg. i feel that you should go for a major that you love instead of something that most ppl go to health schools with bc a major does not equal a career. to me, its something that gives you life long skills that will help you overcome anything with difficulty. every major has a different lifelong skill that can be acquired. to learn more about majors and what each major can do for you go to
i hope this helps