Does anyone actually like to work anymore?

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You sure have an awful lot of time on your hands--shouldn't you be studying for Step 1?

Or maybe the GED.....

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As for my oldest son, he has Asperger's syndrome which is probably the opposite of mental ******ation. the only problems he really has are sloppy handwriting (fine motor skills) and a little bit of hyperactivity but, like I said, a lot of your obessive classmates are probably undiagnosed Aspies. It doesn't bother me at all that you think he is ******ed because he's not.

The OP would know the difference if he studied harder. Even the most challenged of medical students wouldn't confuse MR with Asperger's.
This troll needs to study harder.
Lol.. you are so silly? What life did they save? Any operation EVER performed on any individual eventually that individual died or will die. most of the stuff we do these days is just a little slicker than what was done before. Much of the gains that we have made are due to the scientist in his lab and not due to the surgeon and his scalpel. Clean water and clean homes are worth a ton more than a surgeon that can do a whipple.

How clever of you to jump on the bandwagon and repeat what others have said.

So why not go be a scientist, or better yet, go work on sanitation projects in sub-Saharan Africa? And if medicine is so futile (since everyone will die anyway) what the hell are you doing going after it?
How clever of you to jump on the bandwagon and repeat what others have said.

So why not go be a scientist, or better yet, go work on sanitation projects in sub-Saharan Africa? And if medicine is so futile (since everyone will die anyway) what the hell are you doing going after it?

don't fret over it...they don't understand. or maybe they do but just don't want to admit it. we've been brought up to think we're all the same ("every man is equal") and if you state otherwise then you're the bad guy and they'll put you on a guilt trip trying to convince you that no one person is better than another.


the real world illustrates everyday some people are better than others and there's no shame in accepting it. there are a ton of basketball players...but there was only one MJ. there are a ton of golfers...but only one Tiger...the list goes on for other professions. same thing with medicine: there are a ton of surgeons but only a few will invent a procedure that is revolutionary....Shumway with heart transplants, DeBakey with all his devices and procedures, Jarvik with the artificial heart, etc.

to compare these kind of people and the brilliance and dedication they have to a high-school dropout sanitation worker or janitor is laughable.
don't fret over it...they don't understand. or maybe they do but just don't want to admit it. we've been brought up to think we're all the same ("every man is equal") and if you state otherwise then you're the bad guy and they'll put you on a guilt trip trying to convince you that no one person is better than another.


the real world illustrates everyday some people are better than others and there's no shame in accepting it. there are a ton of basketball players...but there was only one MJ. there are a ton of golfers...but only one Tiger...the list goes on for other professions. same thing with medicine: there are a ton of surgeons but only a few will invent a procedure that is revolutionary....Shumway with heart transplants, DeBakey with all his devices and procedures, Jarvik with the artificial heart, etc.

How about a college student with mediocre grades, nearly flunked out of grad school, who went to work for the Swiss Patent Office as a clerk? He needed the work and couldn't find a job. That one fit in with your theory of special superiority, Malfoy? There are a tonne of patent clerks but only one patent clerk who wrote the Theory of General Relativity and finished off with the Unified Field Theory. Now begone. Troll indeed.
How about a college student with mediocre grades, nearly flunked out of grad school, who went to work for the Swiss Patent Office as a clerk? He needed the work and couldn't find a job. That one fit in with theory of superiority, Malfoy? There are a tonne of patent clerks but only one patent clerk who wrote the Theory of General Relativity and finished off with the Unified Field Theory. Now begone. Troll indeed.

thanks for proving my point. now do you agree with some posters here that a genius like Einstein is in the same league as the guy who empties the trash cans?
thanks for proving my point. now do you agree with some posters here that a genius like Einstein is in the same league as the guy who empties the trash cans?

Yes. I remain in agreement. He also said If success in life is A then A=X+Y+Z while a professor at Princeton. X=work Y=play and Z=keeping your mouth shut. I don't do so well at Z so I'm probably pretty fair at X and Y, but then I wouldn't know since I started my career in a job closely related to getting rid of the garbage. Note that X and Y are independant variables. He also said that there are two things that are infinite: The universe and human stupidity. And he wasn't sure about the universe. Come to think of it, some of the blue collar workers where I worked were far more compassionate, decent and bright than some of my colleagues in the medical profession.

When your Beamer breaks down on your way to your earthbreaking discovery, five blocks west of Hopkins at midnight or one post call, I'll bet the Beamer mechanic becomes far more important than your surgeon buddy. At least until you get out of that jam. We all have our place and to give de minimis status to those whom you feel are beneath your dignity is to shortchange yourself, them and society.
step 1 is a pre-clinical exam. since i'm 3rd year that would imply it's over and done with. try to keep up.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

a medical student?????

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Sorry, someday you will grow up and enter the real world, until then I'm still laughing at your opinions.
From another thread that someone had bumped in the Surgery forum...

Misterioso said:
...At the same time not all of us want to sell our lives to our careers and be just another walking cliche of a surgeon. It's funny how everybody emphasizes "team care" of patients, but then it turns into patient "ownership" at the drop of a hat.

Whose "priorities" have changed in the past year?
Is it possible to be a general surgeon who mostly operates and turfs the postop care to other doctor(s)? Maybe only being called back if there is an emergency that requires surgery.

I know the old saying that operating is only part of being a surgeon, yada, yada...but is it possible to tailor your practice in such a way?

You should have copied his first post in that thread. Talk about "Does anyone actually like to work anymore?" There he is trying to find a way to decrease the amount of work/responsibility.