CSS Profile Issues w/ step-parents - can anyone help?

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7+ Year Member
Feb 9, 2017
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I have been accepted at a school that requires the CSS Profile for need-based aid.

This school's finaid office explicitly states that if your biological parents have divorced and remarried, they only want your primary support parent and stepparent's information, and you should not provide your other biological parent's info. For clarity that would be parent A (my mom) and B (my stepdad), but not parent C (my dad).

Additionally, the school's finaid director has told me that he receives many such CSS Profiles all the time, where parent C's information is not included because parent A and C are divorced and A has remarried to B. In these profiles, only A and B's info is present.

However, we just cannot seem to figure it out on the CSS profile. No matter how I configure the selections, it seems to require parent C to create an account and fill out a CSS profile. The financial aid director does not know how to proceed, again saying that he sees this all the time and doesn't know why it's not working for me. CollegeBoard's phone support is extremely unhelpful and has said that these are the school's settings, despite the school saying the opposite.

Has anyone navigated this situation and if so, how? Feel free to DM me if you'd like to stay private.

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