CRNA Career choice???

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Apr 12, 2017
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I am currently a high school freshman with a 4.45 GPA (not sure if that matters or not), who is concerned about what career I should pursue. I know it may seem crazy to be concerned about my career at such a young age, but I am just super curious. My whole family is involved with the medical field and I too find great interest in the medical field. I was wondering if becoming a CRNA is worth it, and how difficult can it really be. I did little research on the profession and it really sparks my interest. I was wondering if anyone can break down the requirements of becoming a CRNA, how I should go about pursuing this profession, and overall what is the process like.

Thank you, much appreciated

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I am currently a high school freshman with a 4.45 GPA (not sure if that matters or not), who is concerned about what career I should pursue. I know it may seem crazy to be concerned about my career at such a young age, but I am just super curious. My whole family is involved with the medical field and I too find great interest in the medical field. I was wondering if becoming a CRNA is worth it, and how difficult can it really be. I did little research on the profession and it really sparks my interest. I was wondering if anyone can break down the requirements of becoming a CRNA, how I should go about pursuing this profession, and overall what is the process like.

Thank you, much appreciated

Can't tell if trolling...
Do your own research and go away. This thread will be closed soon anyway.
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Looks from your previous post you also trolled the pre-pharmacy forum with pharmacy vs AA so...
4.45 on a 4.0 scale? How the heck does that happen? When I was in HS, AP classes were weighted 1.2x if I remember correctly but a freshman shouldn't be in an AP course. Otherwise this just shows what a joke a GPA can be.

Also you came to the wrong forum. Try the nursing or CRNA page. If you want to ask about being a PHYSICIAN, we can help.
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