Collegiate Program Scholarship Questions

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Dec 4, 2007
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I have been applying for a HPSP scholarship through the Navy. However, I have just now been accepted to UCLA as an in-state resident. My recruiter told me of another program called the Collegiate Program that is intended for cheaper schools (i.e. public schools). Apparently the Collegiate Program pays you a salary (she thought it is currently $60k/year) and gives medical and dental benefits. This would the better option for a cheap school in which you could do whatever you want with the money that doesn't go toward tuition. However, in looking at the costs of attending UCLA (as an in-state resident) the estimated total expenses that the school reports vary b/w $56k and $63.5K per year. This would be cutting it close as to whether this Collegiate Program would fit the bill.

Does anyone have a Colligiate Program Scholarship or are you familiar with it? Do you know if it is worth choosing this program for a school such as UCLA or UCSF (which aren't incredibly cheap public schools)? Thanks for any advice!

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If you haven't already, try searching here (and elsewhere) about the HSCP, which is what you are referring to: the Health Services Collegiate Program.

At the very least, I believe Navy DDS 2010 is in it.

Oh, and $56k of tuition per year doesn't sound too cheap to me. :eek:
Thanks! That's helpful. I didn't even know about the enlistee vs. officer part. And, yeah UCLA and UCSF aren't especially cheap even though they are public (those #s I posted were total expenses though, not just tuition). Do if that $60k/yr salary figure is accurate or what the highest cost of tuition that would make the HSCP worthwhile for "cheap" schools?
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Navy DDS, do you have any advice as to schools such as UCLA or UCSF which have total annual costs of about $60k/year for an in-stater? These aren't so cheap compared to other states' in-state tuition costs. Also, with the $20k bonus with the HPSP, is HPSP the better route despite me being an california in-stater? thanks :)
Navy DDS- Is pay for the HSCP increased each year as the "time in service" you have increases? Have you made the dean's list to receive the E-7 pay..was it just the semester or does it last for the year? Will/Do you get the O-3 pay for 4+ years of service when you were/are commissioned? Will you please only answer the questions that pertain to what has actually happened to you and not the ones that should happen.
Does the collegiate program offer a signing bonus too? Or is that just the HPSP?
Navy DDS- What I meant was I don't know how far along you are in the program and so, I was asking you to reply on the portions of my questions that have happened to you so far. With military stuff the understanding I get when I read the descriptions are sometimes far from how it actually will work.
So have you had time in service raises that are shown on the pay chart for an E-6 after two years etc? I'm not concerned with the inflation raises.

FYI- If I had concerns with your info or opinion I wouldn't direct my questions to you. You seem to give complete answers.