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5+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2017
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How quickly is the landscape of ob/gyn changing to become more lifestyle friendly? (ex. some hospitals have laborists, larger call groups)

(I am sorry if this has already been posted, I have looked around but have not found much/ the posts I have found are older)

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I can't see how far in training you are so I apologize if you're an M3. From my rotation, OB/GYN was something I think people should go into only if they love it. In short they seemed miserable. Residency seems just below surgery. The only part I genuinely liked was GYN/ONC which is a 3 year fellowship to operate/remove/manage female pelvic tumors and had lots of job satisfaction. Everything else didn't seem that appealing from a medical student's POV and I didn't feel like many attending physicians liked it very much but I can't read their minds. My friend loved OB but she also wants a good lifestyle and she is considering FM w/ the condition that the residency she chooses provides strong OB/GYN or w/e training. Have you considered that? Hope you get some good answers from those interested!