can i use ap courses and not take full course load in waterloo?

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Jan 21, 2016
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Hi, i'm new to sdn. This will be my first post:)
I'm a high school student who wishes to pursue optometry in the future. I was wondering if I can take AP courses and not take a complete full course load in uni. I have checked several forums for the past few months and couldn't find the answer to my question. I plan to apply to waterloo after completing my undergraduate.
SO... the MAIN QUESTIONs ARE:stop::help::
Do i have to take a full time load if I take AP courses if i want to apply for waterloo in the future?
Is a full time load 5-6 courses per term?
If i do poorly on the AP exams, could i not count them for my university mark, which waterloo looks at?
Also, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I thank you in advance.
P.S. I'm a canadian:):):)

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I didn't take AP courses in high school but I enquired about the full course load requirement recently. Basically, they need to know you can handle at least 5 courses a term for 6 terms/3 years, because optometry comes with a heavy workload itself. Your best bet is to call and ask, but I'm pretty sure they're gonna say you'll still have to take a full course load, especially because university classes are different from high school. They need to see that you can handle it. Again, I'd recommend you call and ask yourself, they're pretty nice about answering questions.
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