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Aug 14, 2017
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Hey guys, I am just wondering if anyone knows which medical schools have calc 1 as a requirement. My school doesn't require it so I took a year of stats. I would like to know if it is worth my time to take a calc course prior to application cycle next year.

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I think stats is required (or at least more strongly encouraged) more often than Calc.

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If you can come up with a solid list of schools to apply to based off of your stats and experiences that also don't require Calc, then you're set. Otherwise, I wouldn't limit my options by not taking it.
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None of the 35 schools I have applied to require calculus. Which is kind of too bad since I took Calc 1, 2, & 3...
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None of the 35 schools I have applied to require calculus. Which is kind of too bad since I took Calc 1, 2, & 3...
that sentence is the exact reason I decided to ask first.
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Hey guys is it worth it take Calc 2? I heard schools recommend that you have a year of calculus.
I currently have: 1 semester of Calc 1 and 1 semester of statistics
Hey guys is it worth it take Calc 2? I heard schools recommend that you have a year of calculus.
I currently have: 1 semester of Calc 1 and 1 semester of statistics
Purchase the MSAR and look at the schools you want to apply to. You will be able to see if any schools require it.
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Hi! Maybe look at the school you potentially want to apply to and see if they require it and go from there? Good luck!
Hey guys is it worth it take Calc 2? I heard schools recommend that you have a year of calculus.
I currently have: 1 semester of Calc 1 and 1 semester of statistics

Took Calc 2 for Engineers first semester of UG. Would not recommend. Definitely check with the schools you’re thinking about first.

yeah at my school life science majors are recommended (and some required) to take calc 1 but discouraged from taking calc 2 because it's geared toward engineers. i took it an it was pretty hard lol
I took Calc 1 but only because some schools recommended it. Same reason I took Anatomy, Physiology, Genetics, Immunology, Ecology. Most schools don’t require them but they’re recommended. It’s good to do some upper division levels courses.
yeah at my school life science majors are recommended (and some required) to take calc 1 but discouraged from taking calc 2 because it's geared toward engineers. i took it an it was pretty hard lol

My school separates them.

Math 116 - Calculus 2
Math 126 - Calculus 2 for Engineers

The advisor warned me it was a difficult class but I didn’t really believe him. Managed to pull a B but it was hard earned. This was the class that convinced to not go into engineering and go premed.
Calc 2 is typically the most difficult of the calc series (if you're getting a real calc series, and it's not calc 1 split into two semesters). The vast majority of schools seem to require a year of calc OR a semester of calc and a semester of stats. Personally, as a mathematician, I think a year of calc is a waste. Stats is much more useful in medicine and research than calculus.
My school separates them.

Math 116 - Calculus 2
Math 126 - Calculus 2 for Engineers

The advisor warned me it was a difficult class but I didn’t really believe him. Managed to pull a B but it was hard earned. This was the class that convinced to not go into engineering and go premed.
it's not calculus 2 "for engineers" explicitly, but the class is just traditionally taught in such a way (and is full of engineering majors who got 5's on their AP calc exams)