Calculating NBME 18 Offline

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2+ Year Member
Apr 14, 2020
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Hello. I have my test in about 10 days and I dont know where to go from here. Feel a little hopeless. I received a 73% on nbme 18 offline and I don’t know what it converts to? Is it still possible to get a 220+? I received a nbme 24 of 212. I can’t decide if I should move my exam but I also feel that I’m forgetting what I learned. This process has been super stressful. Thank you.

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On reddit 51 wrong (74%) gives you a 211, so you're sub 210 for NBME 18.

I honestly still think you can get a 220. NBME's underpredict.

What's your first time UW %? UW1? Take UW2 and see if you need to push.
But honestly, I'd just try and be ready to put this test behind you.

I take my exam in 8 days, and will be taking NBME 18 tmrw.
On reddit 51 wrong (74%) gives you a 211, so you're sub 210 for NBME 18.

I honestly still think you can get a 220. NBME's underpredict.

What's your first time UW %? UW1? Take UW2 and see if you need to push.
But honestly, I'd just try and be ready to put this test behind you.

I take my exam in 8 days, and will be taking NBME 18 tmrw.
I am at a 60% first pass UWS1 230 but it was months ago. . I am soooo done with this BS. Any score at this point and I will take it