Book recommendations in medicine, especially in healthcare policy and history of modern medicine

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Apr 26, 2020
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Hi everyone! I'd like to ask for your recommendations of books and articles about medicine, especially those on healthcare policy and the history of modern medicine. The only things I've read on these topics are Stephen Brill's America's Bitter Pill and Eric Topol's Deep Medicine so I'd like to broaden my understanding.

Even if you don't have recommendations on those topics, I'd love to hear any books/articles related to any aspect of medicine that you think are must-reads for people in the medical field!

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The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making of a Vast Industry by Paul Starr. Great book exploring the history of the medical profession and how it developed from being one of the least respected and least organized professions to its current status (get the newest version because the original only covers what happened until the 80's). The Great Influenza also traces the development of medicine during a critical time, WWI and the Spanish Flu epidemic.
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The Sublime Engine. It's a great book detailing how physicans looked at the heart from different eras starting from Hippocrates I believe covering up to the modern ages, current time and even an extrapolation. I believe it's writen by two brothers one of which is a cardiologist and the other is an author/anthropologist.
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I found the Healthcare Handbook to be great for gaining an understanding of the medical field as a whole.
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Medical Apartheid
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Hi everyone! I'd like to ask for your recommendations of books and articles about medicine, especially those on healthcare policy and the history of modern medicine. The only things I've read on these topics are Stephen Brill's America's Bitter Pill and Eric Topol's Deep Medicine so I'd like to broaden my understanding.

Even if you don't have recommendations on those topics, I'd love to hear any books/articles related to any aspect of medicine that you think are must-reads for people in the medical field!
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An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back
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The Great Influenza gives a deep dive into the history of American medicine and how it went from an apprenticeship without needing formal medical education to where it is today. And a great dive into the Spanish Flu and it’s origins
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