board scores for 4yr omfs and internships

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Oct 21, 2008
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Hello all,

For someone with the desire to go into OMFS that has a great rank/gpa, good externships, good cv with leadership, research etc, but has a low part 1 board score of 85, is there much hope at all for even a 4 year program or internship.

I know most 6 year programs require a 90 bare minimum due to the likelyhood of passing step 1. Are there any less competitive programs that would consider lower scores in the 80's or does the 88 and up type of score come in as a complete must have for any residency these days?

As far as internships go, are these highly competive as well or would I have a decent shot at one of these? I have heard some interships are a total waste and won't help you get into a residency as all you do is shuck teeth and not much else. But I would be willing to kick ass for the benefit of the program even if it means getting beat to hell.

If anybody could give some insight on the scores for the "less competitive" -- i know thats a joke as they are all crazy comp. , but has anyone heard of people with mid 80's getting in anywhere , or to any internships.

I hope I can get an internship at the very least , i think the board score is the only weak part of my app, and unfortunately the most important, if only I knew I wanted to do a residency back then!!!!!!!

Please let me know anything you can!

Better start studying again, or plan on an internship year or two. There are so many >89+, unless you are some OMFS superstar, you better have a back up plan. Sorry to rain on your parade.
Board scores and class rank play a major role. Even with internship and with a score of 85 it is going to be hard. It is better you try taking boards again and improve your score.Internships are not so hard to get but you have to choose wisely where to go and which programs can help you and which programs can teach you. I think all the southern programs let you do lot of stuff and some programs back you up in your residency application. But most of them might not match you to their program. I do not know if internships in Northeast are really worthy enough. I did internship at LSU-NO and it is really a best program in the country. I completed 3 externships in northeast and what i saw was something uncomparable.Usually they accept applications immedeatly after match so you can contact most of the programs even before.
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Seems like everyone posting has had a stellar NDBE Part 1 score somewhere in the 90's.

I applied to 35 OMFS programs. My class rank is top 10% and I received <90 on my boards part 1. I thought about re-taking boards at the time, but I wasn't 100% sure if I was going to go for OS, so I didn't re-take. Now I kind of wish I had.

Even so, I have received a few invites for interviews (4 yr schools), so maybe board scores aren't everything. I definately haven't got in yet (and I'm still really sweating it) but I just wanted to throw that out there for you.
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Holy crap 35 programs?! How much did that cost?
Hah....You don't even want to know.
In the neighborhood of $1,900... not counting supplemental app fees.
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Hey Whitebrick, if you dont mind, I would love to know which schools you got interviews at? Did you do a bunch of externships?
1 externship
Emory & Thomas Jefferson

May i ask if you are already graduated or if you are in dental school?
sometimes it makes a big difference which school you are graduated or applying form .
good luck
may i ask if you are already graduated or if you are in dental school?
Sometimes it makes a big difference which school you are graduated or applying form .
Good luck
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