Board Certifications through AOBPMR vs. ABPMR

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10+ Year Member
Jun 9, 2010
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I am a DO PM&R looking to take boards in the near future through AOBPMR for board certifications. I confirmed with the federal sectors including the military and the VA that the AOA boards bear no restrictions compared to the ABMS boards. I am looking into the southeast (FL, GA) and their state boards confirmed no restrictions for AOA boards either.

To be a private practice interventional physiatrist having to manage ASC credentialing, insurance negotiations, and etc, are there any true restrictions or limitations to be aware of with AOA board certifications? What about regional issues (West coast, Midwest, East coast, etc)?

(Also, please refrain from commenting why not just take the ABPMR Boards and etc as it is not my main concern at this time)

Any advice and insights would be much appreciated. Thank you all!

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No issues. I have been AOBPMR for 10+ years. I also know many others who are and practice in various states and setting. In all essence it is equivalent.
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