Audio Osmosis vs AudioLearn


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Jun 23, 2006
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I am looking into audio cd's as one method of keeping everything fresh in my mind. Does anyone have any comments on either Audio Osmosis MCAT or the AudioLearn OAT cd's? Which is better, pros, cons, etc?


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I can't say anything about audio osmosis, but I did use AudioLearn...

It only gives very basic information. This is both a pro and a con because it helps to simplify the material, but also leaves you short in almost every area of the test. If you're not concerned about spending the money, I would recommend it. But definitely realize you have to study much more than what is on the CD. The OAT covers mostly basic material, so AudioLearn may have helped me more than I realize.
Thanks! I am just wanting to use it as a supplement to studying. Audio osmosis seems to have more info, but I also heard that it has quite a few errors in it so right now it's a toss up between the two.....
I have Audio Osmosis, and I have to say that it's actually a really good studying resource. Apart from some of the errors, and the HORRIBLE JOKES (*notice horrible capitalized*), they make...its actually a valuable source along side your other studying material.

I haven't tried the other CD's......

Hope that helped in some way.....