Attendings, how do you track your wRVUs?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 26, 2015
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I was wondering how you keep track of your wRVU. Are there any reliable apps out there? There are a bunch of apps but most are expensive with mixed reviews. I've also heard of people using Excel spreadsheets. Is anyone willing to share their template?

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Well I don’t keep track of rvus but I do keep track of every single billing code I use and then track the Insurance EOBs and put the money payments into a cell for a respective cpt code

This is important so I track errors in billing and so “no money is left in the table .”

As a solo practitioner I do my own billing. ‘Its not hard just tedious . I stream something to eat while I do this

I’m sure a similar thing could be done for employed physicians who use rvus
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